Just one short feedback on:
- How can we make Swift-on-Server more visible? Are we doing enough?
and given threads like this one about the state of swift on the server
I think it would be highly valuable to set up a repo with just markdown documents with a short intro to Linux development (most server work will be deployed there at the end of the day...) with Swift and giving links to useful technology (IDE:s, debugging tools, cross-platform considerations, ...) as well as to framework useful for server-side stuff.
I am sure there are a lot of people who could provide input to that and provide PR:s - it would become a knowledge repo for server-side development and provide a simple anchoring point / link that can be provided to anyone working with server-side Swift. I am sure there are a lot of us who keeps a link of bookmarks to useful stuff...
To start with, it could just be a structured link archive but topics could be expanded and original text written as needed going forward.
Edit: It would need to be blessed by the SSWG and perhaps linked to from swift.org too...