Swift DevRoom - FOSDEM 2025 Call for Proposals!

Hello everyone!
We're incredibly excited to announce that Swift will be taking part in FOSDEM this year! Huge shout out to @svanimpe who made this a reality :tada:

FOSDEM is an awesome conference, or "conference-of-mini-conferences", which means that Swift has its own room and effectively a mini-track during the first day of the conference.

We're looking for speakers to fill in the Swift track!

Please check the call for proposals site we prepared: Swift DevRoom @ FOSDEM 2025

Dates: February 1st-2nd 2025 (Swift Dev Room on the 1st)
Where: Brussels, Belgium
More information about FOSDEM here: FOSDEM 2025 - Home

We look forward to see your talk ideas! See you there~!


Should we agree on a common length or leave it open? I can do mine in 15, 30, or 45 minutes ­– depending on the amount of detail. For devroom schedules, we usually prefer shorter presentations to allow for a wider variety.

Thanks for the interest!

It is defined in the cfp page we link above here:

The Swift DevRoom is inviting proposals for two presentation types: 20 minute talks or 5 minute lightning talks . -- Swift DevRoom @ FOSDEM 2025

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Ah, reading helps. Thanks.

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No worries, easy to miss! Thank you for your incoming proposal then!

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Just added the following proposal. If someone would like to add a proposal, note that the call for proposals runs until November 30th.

A new XML transformation tool based on Swift

Based on reflections on XML transformation tools such as XSLT or the lesser known but very good Metamorphosis programming language for XML (parts of which served as input for the development of XPath) and years of experience with complex XML transformations for technical documentation in various industries, a new solution based on the Swift programming language was developed to overcome the weaknesses of the existing ones. This solution is released as open source under a permissive license and is already successfully used for some time now at the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN). In this introduction, we talk about why we think a new solution was needed, how it compares and why Swift was chosen as the base language.


Very cool, and even cooler that it’s in production! Thanks for the submission! :-)

Could potentially give a talk about:

Which would be most interesting? All of them are open source except for the first which is built on frameworks I have open sourced, but has some proprietary code owing to hardware NDAs.


Your potential topics are about implementing network protocols or protocols of embedding systems, why not make a general overview about your experiences in this space regarding Swift, is Swift β€œgood” at implementing such protocols and why?

EDIT: The asynchronous aspects of IORingSwift seems especially interesting.

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All those are great topics, I suggest maybe pick the two you're most excited about and have the best content on and submit them.

We'd probably be most interested in topics 1, 2 and 3. io_uring would perhaps be nice because I think we're going to see a bunch of embedded talks already, so a more server / io focused one may be nice! But we'll have to see what proposals we get and discuss in the program committee.

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Great, I’ll propose one about implementing network protocols in Swift and one about FlutterSwift. Just need to double check diary :slight_smile:

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The uring one as well maybe? :-)


Submitted, irrespective of acceptance I'm going to try and attend anyway (although probably only can for the first day). Look forward to putting some faces to names.


I submitted a proposal for a talk named "Swift across the Stack" aiming to show how swift can be leveraged through all parts of a mini IoT project :)


Thanks everyone who submitted already, this is a friendly reminder that c4p will be closing on November 30th so don't miss your chance to submit your ideas on the last two days now! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, my proposal β€œA new XML transformation tool based on Swift” was not accepted.

Same here. That limits my motivation to be on site a lot. Guess I'll just watch the streams then.

Yeah, neither of my proposals were accepted either. :( I'd already booked my flights and accomodation so I will at least try and attend for some of it.

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I'll be there too (speaking on a different track). I look forward to meeting any members of the community who might be there!

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Mine was rejected too. Honestly, I'm more sad to see @lukeh's not being accepted. I was really looking forward to hear more about the stuff you did.