- @0xTim
- Josh Elkins
- @sebsto
- @ktoso
- @finestructure
Actions Items
- @FranzBusch and @Joannis_Orlandos to collaborate and a rough outline for a structured concurrency server applications post - carry over
- @ktoso to address creating benchmarks from the SSWG perspective - carry over. May need assistance
- Build out integrated example project @FranzBusch @tiborbodecs - carry over
- Blog post coming with success story - in progress with the right groups
- AL2023 - progress getting made. Handed on Alistair and Mishal now.
- @sebsto will work on Docker image once the toolchain is available
- Move forward with the reviews of the initial API drafts @FranzBusch - carry over
- @Joannis_Orlandos to share instruments trace :
- @FranzBusch to create forum post for last-three-versions toolchain requirement for server apps - carry over
- Deployment app:
- @Joannis_Orlandos to share OpenAPI spec with @tiborbodecs and @sebsto
- @0xtim to write a Google Cloud tutorial
- @sebsto to write an AWS tutorial
- @tiborbodecs to write a Docker tutorial
- @tachyonics to review Refactor the post
- @sebsto to follow up with @ben_cohen about the AWS Lambda Runtime
- Custom executors - @ktoso looking in to it
- @0xTim to submit patch to to list the package collection as an API - carry over
- Swift will be at AWS re:Invent - we have a slot and need someone to go and give a talk
- Call out to forums to see who's attending
SPI Package Collections
- @finestructure has deployed package collections on staging
- Positive feedback
- @ktoso had some design feedback
- See the post
- please submit a CFP if you can