Swift 4.2.3 for Linux
We are very happy to announce Swift 4.2.3 for Linux the February 2019 bug fix release as planned. The feedback from the community was incredible and we could land 20 improvements, as announced focussing on swift-corelibs-foundation. Below, you can find the list of changes to the Swift components.
Most importantly, let's all thank the contributors for spending the time backporting the fixes, this will make a big difference for the whole Swift on Linux ecosystem.
Enjoy the new binaries provided on swift.org and you'll hear back from us soon opening the development for next month's release .
- SR-1674: NSString.doubleValue doesn't support a few formats supported by Darwin [#1930]
- NSDecimalValue: Dont use .doubleValue for integer properties. [#1918]
- SR-9322: DateFormatter difference between macOS and Linux [#1913]
- FileManager: setAttributes(ofItemAtPath:) should throw if chmod fails. [#1906]
- Decimal: Fix .doubleValue to use _length to only index valid mantissa elements. [#1900]
- FileHandle.truncateFile should reposition on truncate [#1898]
- NSDecimalNumber: Add missing init(value:) initialisers. [#1896]
- SR-8999: NSData contentsOf expects st_size to be the size of the file. [#1895]
- SR-7608: Pipe() crashes when the underlying system call fails. [#1893]
- SR-9828: JSONEncoder keyEncodingStrategy does not work on Linux [#1892]
- NSIndexPath: Make compatible with Darwin. [#1891]
- SR-7455: Allow NUL in Strings to match Darwin [#1890]
- SR-5829: Fix NSString.commonPrefix(with:options:) [#1888]
- SR-8560: XMLDocument on Linux crashes with a Segmentation Fault [#1887]
- SR-7570: Initializing XMLDocument crashes on Linux with nodePreserveAll [#1886]
- SR-7011: Fatal Error when Using Calendar.current.dateComponents(_:from:to:) [#1884]
- SR-8689: Fix crash with NSMutableString.replaceOccurrences(of:with:options:) [#1883]
- stdlib: check for ARM/ARM64/AArch64 more thoroughly [#20709]
- SR-2239: add support for AArch64 variadics [#20708]