Okay so far the top multiple available votes seem to be (based on heart and comments)
APNSwift (4)
AsyncAPNS (4)
APNSNIO (2) (Could still clash)
I feel like APNSwift doesn't link to the async concept, but AsyncAPNS, isn't 100% true because with NIOAPNS you can do blocking if you want/by mistake.
It's a unique name that doesn't share any similarities to other SSWG packages like:
Setting a precedent of choosing unique names for SSWG packages and not creating patterns that could lead to clashes seems like our best bet until Swift gets better namespacing.
I'm on board for APNSwift but only because I couldn't think of anything better.
It seems maybe a little odd to me to be putting Swift in the name — it's doesn't add much to the name other than saying "hey, this is written in Swift." which is sort of a given(?). APNS on its own is just co-opting the name of the service. Put the two together and the result isn't much better.
I hesitate proposing this because I fear I'd get laughed off stage, but maybe APNSKit? @tanner0101, you and I had a pretty lengthy discussion last fall around appending Kit to most of Vapor's packages and that seemed to work out really well.