Why can't a subclass use didSet to observe parent's private(set) properties?

This seems to be a very valid use case where you need to act upon the parent's property changes at the earliest possible moment:

import GameplayKit

class GameCoordinator: GKStateMachine {
    // ❗️ Cannot observe read-only property 'currentState'; it can't change
    open override var currentState: GKState? { 
        didSet {
            // ❗️ Ambiguous use of 'currentState'
            print("currentState: ", oldValue, " → ", currentState) 

Obviously, GKStateMachine.currentState can and does change, but there's no sane point in GKStateMachine to hook into to act exactly when it changes; I can only override the point before it may change.

Note: This post is not about seeking solutions for the GKStateMachine-related issue; it's meant as an example.

There are other such cases where the ability to observe a parent's read-only properties would be useful.

Now, of course, this wouldn't make sense for computed properties, so they should be distinguished from private(set) properties for this feature.

Do you have a different example, because yours is invalid as currentState is indeed get only and therefore probably either a computed property or it hides its setter?! The latter shouldn‘t be exposed to user.

If the property were KVO-compatible, one would be able to observe changes, even if the setter is private. Why should Swift not support the same for willSet and didSet? I could buy the argument that whether there's a setter at all should be hidden, but that doesn't seem to be what you're saying.

I think the issue here is that a subclass generally doesn't (and shouldn't?) know if the property is in fact a stored or a computed property. Computed properties can obviously not be observed in this manner.

private(set) behaves like a completely private stored property and an additional non-private computed property, and that's fine imo. I think it would be weird if subclasses could suddenly subscribe to changes of a private stored property of a superclass without the superclass explicitly supporting this behavior.

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I think because it's private(set) the subclass just can't "see" that there is a setter.

What would be needed is a protected(set) then only the subclass would know it is settable. But I doubt this feature would ever get added given the general disdain of class inheritance..

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And then the subclass would actually be able to set the property as well, which is something we generally want to avoid when using private(set).

public private(set) internal(didSet) fileprivate(willSet) var x: Int


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