Why can you constrain to final classes and actors?

Is it intended to allow for later making the class non-final, or actors inheritable?

final class Class { }
actor Actor { }
func ƒ(_: some Class, _: some Actor) { }

Anything not explicitly prohibited is allowed. We could ban superclass requirements with a final class but there seems no harm in allowing them. And aesthetically, it would be odd if we allowed T == C but not T: C when C is final.


for reasons i cannot fathom, we are also allowed to write:

final actor Actor { }

it's never been clear to me what purpose this serves or how it is different from an ordinary actor.


As an API contract, being final is an assertion that there will never be subclasses of a type, not just that there don't happen to be any right now. For actors we decided not to implement inheritance, but left the door open to it possibly happening later.


Fair enough. Seems to me like it should come with a warning until then. À la

// Variable 'variable' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant
var variable = 0

What if you wrote a macro that expanded to A: B? Would it cause a warning when B happens to be a final class?

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