The state of Swift documentation

Summary: in my opinion, Swift documentation is not as good as it should be, especially for developers using Swift on non-Apple platforms. I believe we should do better if we want to see Swift become more popular in non-Apple-centric communities.

Specifically, I think the Swift open source project should host and maintain the official documentation for Swift, independent from Apple.

Current Swift documentation resources

The following resources comprise the official documentation for Swift:


Here are some of the problems I have with the documentation as it stands today:

The Swift Programming Language is not a good language reference

TSPL is a good book, but it's not very usable as a reference in my opinion:

  • The TSPL site has no search function. Quick, go to and look up the syntax for the @available attribute. Or how the if case let syntax works. Or how you define a custom operator precedence group. Finding these things is difficult unless you know exactly where to look.

  • The language reference section is often written in terms of grammar rules, which I guess is good for compiler developers, but doesn't really fit my mental model as a user of the language. For example, to find the syntax for a switch statement (assuming I know where to look), I have to click through this:

  • TSPL pages are long and combine multiple topics in a single page. It's difficult to link to specific sections. (The "On this page" menu only has links for the top level, which is often not granular enough.)

The API documentation is Apple-centric

Unlike the Swift book, the standard library documentations is hosted at and not on I imagine this does not inspire confidence in people evaluating Swift's maturity on non-Apple platforms.

(Side note: the standard library reference isn't even listed on The standard library page on talks about where you can find the source code for the stdlib, but doesn't have a link to the documentation, either.)

Availability annotations in the standard library docs are presented in terms of Xcode versions. This is not helpful for developers on other platforms. For example, as a Swift developer on Linux who wants to use the Result type, I have to know that an availability of "Xcode 10.2+" corresponds to Swift 5.0, which is not at all obvious., a wonderful community website originally created by @nnnnnnnn and now maintained by @mattt, does a better job at this than the official documentation. But keeping a site like that up to date is a lot of work for a single person.

Core Libraries have no documentation for non-Apple platforms

The Core Libraries are owned and controlled by Apple (there's no community evolution process for Foundation), so it's more understandable that their documentation is hosted on

It is unfortunate, however, that the official documentation for Foundation, Dispatch, and XCTest is only concerned with the Darwin version of the libraries:

  • APIs that are not available on non-Darwin platforms are not marked as such. One recent example where this caused confusion: URLSessionWebSocketTask is not available on Linux.

  • Subtleties like the split between Foundation and FoundationNetworking are not reflected in Apple's documentation.

  • API availability is listed in terms of Apple SDK versions, which is not accurate for other platforms. This can easily cause confusion. Examples:

    • corelibs-Foundation was aligned to macOS 10.15/iOS 13.0 in time for Swift 5.3, meaning that an API listed with "available in macOS 10.15" will not necessarily be available in Swift 5.1, even though that's the Swift version that came out at the same time.

    • I recently found out that the new XCTIssue API in XCTest is not part of Swift 5.3 on Linux, requiring me to rewrite some code I had just written.

  • Minor point: the Apple documentation uses Apple terminology. For example, XCTest is called a "framework", not a "library". (Not a big deal, but it's a symptom that shows where the documentation originated.)

The Implementation Status page in the corelibs-Foundation repository has more information on API availability for non-Apple platforms, but I don't think it's a natural place where people would look for it: people need a lot of background knowledge about the nature of Foundation to know that this is even a problem. Plus, I'm never sure how up to date the status page is. For example, it doesn't list URLSessionWebSocketTask at all.

Proposed changes

Here are some changes I'd love to see:

  • Swift documentation should live in the Swift open source project, not at Apple. The standard library documentation should move to

  • Availability annotations for standard library APIs should list the Swift compiler version, not (only) the Xcode version.

  • The official documentation at could set an example for other Swift libraries to follow on how to publish API documentation. Maybe we can take advantage of existing documentation generators created by members of the community, such as swift-doc or Jazzy.

  • The Core Libraries should get an official documentation for non-Apple platforms (either integrated into the current docs or hosted separately on

  • In addition to API docs, the documentation at should include a searchable language reference that includes everything from keywords ("if", "switch", "func") to other syntax tokens ("//", "{", "<"). Examples:

    • It should be possible to search for the difference between // and ///.

    • When searching for "[", it should list all places where Swift uses square brackets in its syntax: subscripts, array literals, dictionary literals, array type declarations, dictionary type declarations (did I forget anything?).

    • When searching for "<", the search results should list overloads of the < operator as well as a doc explaining the use of angle brackets in Swift's generics syntax.

    Ideally, a beginner who sees Swift code for the first time should be able to find the meaning of each syntax token just by searching the documentation (and eventually by Option+clicking on a token in Xcode, but that's a different topic; for Apple folks: FB5462882/Radar 27471627, filed in 2016).

These changes would surely be a big undertaking, but I believe they would align well with several goals stated by @tkremenek in On the road to Swift 6, namely to create a better cross-platform story for Swift and to make writing Swift "a fantastic development experience".

What do you all think? I'd love to hear from folks at Apple if "decoupling" the Swift documentation from the Apple SDK documentation was considered in the past.


Great idea, @ole!

One thing I’ve wished for the documentation to include, is which protocol requirements have default implementations (meaning they are actually customization points, not requirements per se).

Also, the old version of had really useful visual hierarchies of protocol and type relations. The current version of the site doesn’t have them anymore, but here’s what the one for Array used to look like:


Mattt is building swift-doc to replicate those diagrams. It's getting closer, but it'll be a little while until a new is out.


Closure capture lists.


Thanks @Dante-Broggi. I clearly need this functionality. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

+1, As a streach goal => WWDC Videos Archive


Thanks for starting this discussion @ole. I agree with pretty much everything you've said.

With regards to the first part, I believe this is already the case. As best I can tell, the documentation on seems to be rendered directly from—or kept in very close sync with—the inline documentation for the standard library, which does actually note on their page for the stdlib:

The Swift standard library, along with its tests and inline documentation, are a part of the main Swift repository.

(emphasis mine).

One way to accomplish many of these goals, it seems, would be to bring itself under the auspices of the Swift open source project, so that community members could submit PRs to build out the documentation that you're pushing for here. Is this something that would be open for discussion?

I think it's reasonable for Apple to want to keep a mirror of the Swift standard library documentation in a place where it can appear alongside all the Apple-specific APIs, and it probably makes sense for APIs to list Xcode compatibility versions on the Apple-specific documentation page. However, that shouldn't keep the Swift project from keeping it's own canonical documentation (separate but presumably sourced from the inline documentation) which Apple's mirror can hopefully use as the source-of-truth.


I think I would add to this: We should separate out the specification section of The Swift Programming Language into its own document, containing:

  • lexical rules
  • parsing rules
  • type-checking rules

in separate sections. The rules should form the specification for the language, so if you can find a variance from one of the rules, then it's a defect. This could be TSPL : Part 2. Specification or something like that, with Part 1 : Tutorial and explanation as the first part.

We should also document the form of the rules in this section. Lexical rules could be sets of contiguous characters, or regular expressions, or whatever, but we should make that clear. Similarly parsing rules would be EBNF or some other form of grammar, but defined first. For type-checking we need some clear notation but I'm not up-to-date on what are good choices.

Once you have the rules, you should be able to go back and forth to the source of the compiler with them. Right now you can do that up to a point with the lexical rules--they're in comments in the parser (maybe not completely). This does not need to be automated, but you should be able to look at a bunch of type checking code and find a reference to the type-checking rules in the spec that you're implementing, and be able to search in Sema code for a heading to orient yourself to what implements what.

This helps compiler implementors. It also clarifies TSPL by separating the tutorial/explanatory part of the book from the structural part of the book more sharply.

The big gain is more documentation of type-checking rules though. That might be independent of @ole's original aim though, but there is a gap right now I think.


I would like to join in support of this post. I am eager to learn about Swift and it’s inner workings to be able to develop stable library wrappers. Wide number such wrappers is, in my opinion, essential for usability of Swift on non-mac platforms. Such task however requires in depth knowledege of Swift. I have posted about this in the past, for example: Swift ABI documentation .

Materials about Swift’s inner workings are scattered, old and outdated, in “TODO” state for years or in a form of hypertext link to the compiler’s source code - Swift Compiler.

Lack of knowledge of C++ and LLVM is a me problem, however, complete and updated documentation of things such as memory layout, type metadata, the Swift Runtime and SIL passes and optimizations would help me a lot.


Thanks for pointing this out. I have no insight into how the standard library documentation at is generated. I know from (painful) experience that the docs for Apple's SDK libraries often don't mirror the documentation in header comments (especially for new APIs the header comments are often the better source), but the process could well be different from Swift.

And I should note that I have no (big) problems with the contents of the standard library documentation itself, aside from the mentioned Apple-centric hosting and availability annotations.

It's certainly true that all or most of the documentation is also available directly in the standard library source files, but I don't consider the doc comments a suitable replacement for a documentation website:

  • Header comments are hard to find and read except when you're actively writing code and your IDE has a good "Jump to definition" feature. I often want to look up documentation when I'm not in a code editor.

  • Header docs are hard to link to. I'd generally have to link to a specific line/range on Github, which means I need to link to a specific commit for stability. If someone else clicks on that link two years later, the documentation they find may no longer be up to date (sometimes this might be exactly what you want, but I'd argue creating a permalink to the "current version" is the more frequent use case).


Right, I'm in total agreement that the doc comments are not a suitable resource for the vast majority of Swift developers—I just wanted to draw the distinction (that you made more explicit in your post, thank you) between control over the content of the documentation and control of the presentation of the documentation.

There's an existing note about translations of The Swift Programming Language on, and I frequently see community members encouraged to report issues with TSPL as bugs on, so it does seem that TSPL is part of the Swift project in some sense. I'd love to see it opened up to allow the community to propose edits and correct inaccuracies, though.

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I'd really love to see progress in all of these areas, thank you for such a cogent exploration of these topics @ole! I think that one of the major questions will come down to "who will be willing to do the work?"

For example, there is nothing stoping an community driven language manual, but such a project would be a large amount of work, and it need an architect/driver.



Technically there's nothing stopping the community from rewriting the Swift compiler in Swift either :laughing: . But for many of the same reasons as a documentation rewrite (though a magnitude or two greater), it's not likely to happen.

The biggest of these reasons is that there's no guarantee that Apple will integrate or even link to such documentation. Without it being officially available and an easy to use resource by the majority of the community, why would the community's most skilled documentation writers contribute to such a project rather than, say, write their own books?

A close second is that it's unlikely Apple will allow many or even any of their documentation writers to contribute to such a project, which would mean Swift's documentation would be split between the community project and Apple's. I'm not sure whether or not that would be an improvement over the status quo, but I certainly don't think it would be a good idea. I would guess that any Apple involvement in such a project would be contingent on their ownership of the copyright, even if the result is ultimately released under a Creative Commons license of some kind. And without Apple's involvement, for both this and the previous reason, I don't see how such a project could succeed.

Of course, if Apple shifts its stance towards the community and starts integrating more community tools or packages, or allows devs or writers to work on community projects, this approach may become more viable. But I don't think it is right now.


Huge +1 to this. Something like a GitHub repo of markdown files at apple/swift-docs that auto deploys to would be great. If it were that easy to contribute I definitely would.


Solid, Ole. This would have reduced many frustrations for me (an Apple developer even.)

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@ole I love these ideas and would like to suggest that in addition should be expanded to be a site which embraces and highlights projects and contributions for Swift both in and outside of Apple. In addition to the language itself, someone coming to doesn't find pointers to resources and active areas. The challenge, of course, is that these initiatives are expensive (in time, infrastructure, people, ...) and (based on our experience at - a Sun financed project run by O'Reilly) require commitment from some people employed to focus on the tasks.


Big +1 to this. Thanks for bringing these issues to everybody's attention.

This is a huge issue. Even if you take advantage of everything the toolchain provides (e.g. sourcekit-lsp), the experience on Linux is still really barebones.

Not all software is entirely cross-platform, and you often need to browse the available API as it looks on your system. Xcode has CMD+Click to show generated interfaces, but on Linux there's just nothing. sourcekit-lsp can only handle very basic workflows, and code completion is really not a substitute to having a complete interface in front of you. It just feels unloved - like a hack more than a supported platform.

Even if we have some better web documentation (which is really important), we still need good local tools. I'm aware of the swift-doc project and I'm really hopeful that it'll get us closer to where we need to be.

This has come up before, and there are a couple of things to note.

The first thing is that Foundation's documentation is just low quality in general. Take a look at the documentation for Date.timeIntervalSince(_:), for example:

  1. The parameter is referred to as both another and anotherDate. Both are wrong: the parameter's actual name is just date.
  2. The documentation warns us that the result is undefined if the object is nil -- but the parameter isn't an optional type, so it can't be nil.
  3. "the receiver" is a bit of an Obj-C anachronism, because of the whole message-based dispatch. It's a minor nit, but I don't think we tend to talk about senders/receivers in Swift.

This isn't limited to Linux. It's just as bad on Darwin platforms:


Interestingly there is apparently another, separate set of documentation (although honestly, it appears to be just as poor in places):

Honestly I think the Foundation team need to seriously rethink their documentation strategy overall. One of the goals should be to improve access and consistency, but they also need to improve quality. Since they don't take community contributions, all we can do is grumble at the poor experience we're forced to tolerate.

Nobody knows what the evolution process for XCTest is.


@Karl Thanks for making these points and providing an example. The Objective-C roots of Foundation definitely show through in its documentation.

One of these is for Date and the other one is for NSDate, that's why there are two slightly different pages:

I just wanted to mention that I maintain a version of the Swift reference manuals in the excellent Org-Mode format at swift-helpful/swift-info at master · danielmartin/swift-helpful · GitHub

All Swift keywords are indexed, and there's also a topic index as well (ie, you don't need to search for things according to how Apple decided to name them in the documentation sections). From Org-Mode, a script exports it to GNU Info format (so you have Swift documentation while programming in Emacs), but, as you can see, there's an HTML version as well. All is automatically generated from a single documentation file. Code snippets are executable samples via Org Babel, so my documentation is actually a Swift Playground. People using GNU/Linux or Windows can interactively play with the documentation samples.

Maybe we can implement a new Swift driver that would be part of the Xcode toolchain that could access my documentation (and/or more sources). We can name this new binary swift-doc, for example, and Xcode would use its functionality to show info about Swift keywords. If we implement the shared logic as a library, SourceKit could use it as another source of documentation that would complement extracted documentation from code comments. People using Xcode/Xcode Playground would click on a Swift keyword and get info about a Swift concept.

If we want to go ahead with this new swift-doc toolchain binary, we would ideally need some coordination between the team at Apple that generates the documentation at and the open source community, to avoid needing to convert and manually index the documentation whenever a new version of Swift is released. Probably, the Swift docs should be maintained in the open as a prerequisite.

I don't know if there's interest in this new swift-doc toolchain binary that can make my Swift documentation style accessible to the masses (right now, only Emacs users are enjoying it). Here's a similar toolchain binary used by Rust: What is rustdoc? - The rustdoc book


I'm not really convinced we need to coordinate with the closed source docs to make progress in this area. Most of what's been described should be possible using swift symbolgraph-extract, which is available in toolchains from 5.3 onwards and seems designed for this use case. Its output includes doc comments, type relationships, and guidance on how to format headings/subheadings/etc. of documentation pages without needing to make many individual SourceKit requests.

For example, this command can be used to generate a symbol graph for the macOS standard library, and includes all the information needed to generate documentation pages or an index:
swift symbolgraph-extract --module-name=Swift --pretty-print --output-dir /some/output/dir --target=x86_64-apple-macosx --sdk=/Applications/ I don't think there's anything stopping us from integrating this into the build process and installing symbol graphs for the standard library alongside the other documentation in /usr/share/doc/swift for use by toolchain or external tools.

Partial symbolgraph output (it's very long)
  "metadata": {
    "formatVersion": {
      "major": 0,
      "minor": 5,
      "patch": 0
    "generator": "Apple Swift version 5.3 (swiftlang-1200.0.16.9 clang-1200.0.22.5)"
  "module": {
    "name": "Swift",
    "platform": {
      "architecture": "x86_64",
      "vendor": "apple",
      "operatingSystem": {
        "name": "macosx",
        "minimumVersion": {
          "major": 10,
          "minor": 15,
          "patch": 0
  "symbols": [
      "kind": {
        "identifier": "swift.method",
        "displayName": "Instance Method"
      "identifier": {
        "precise": "s:STsE10compactMapySayqd__Gqd__Sg7ElementQzKXEKlF::SYNTHESIZED::s:s5Int16V5WordsV",
        "interfaceLanguage": "swift"
      "pathComponents": [
      "names": {
        "title": "compactMap(_:)",
        "navigator": [
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "func"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " "
            "kind": "identifier",
            "spelling": "compactMap"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "<ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ">(("
            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
            "spelling": "UInt",
            "preciseIdentifier": "s:Su"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ") "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "throws"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "?) "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "rethrows"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> [ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "]"
        "subHeading": [
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "func"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " "
            "kind": "identifier",
            "spelling": "compactMap"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "<ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ">(("
            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
            "spelling": "UInt",
            "preciseIdentifier": "s:Su"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ") "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "throws"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "?) "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "rethrows"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> [ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "]"
      "docComment": {
        "lines": [
            "text": "Returns an array containing the non-`nil` results of calling the given"
            "text": "transformation with each element of this sequence."
            "text": ""
            "text": "Use this method to receive an array of non-optional values when your"
            "text": "transformation produces an optional value."
            "text": ""
            "text": "In this example, note the difference in the result of using `map` and"
            "text": "`compactMap` with a transformation that returns an optional `Int` value."
            "text": ""
            "text": "    let possibleNumbers = [\"1\", \"2\", \"three\", \"///4///\", \"5\"]"
            "text": ""
            "text": "    let mapped: [Int?] = { str in Int(str) }"
            "text": "    // [1, 2, nil, nil, 5]"
            "text": ""
            "text": "    let compactMapped: [Int] = possibleNumbers.compactMap { str in Int(str) }"
            "text": "    // [1, 2, 5]"
            "text": ""
            "text": "- Parameter transform: A closure that accepts an element of this"
            "text": "  sequence as its argument and returns an optional value."
            "text": "- Returns: An array of the non-`nil` results of calling `transform`"
            "text": "  with each element of the sequence."
            "text": ""
            "text": "- Complexity: O(*m* + *n*), where *n* is the length of this sequence"
            "text": "  and *m* is the length of the result."
      "functionSignature": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "transform",
            "declarationFragments": [
                "kind": "identifier",
                "spelling": "transform"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": ": ("
                "kind": "typeIdentifier",
                "spelling": "Self",
                "preciseIdentifier": "s:STsE4Selfxmfp"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": ".Element"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": ") "
                "kind": "keyword",
                "spelling": "throws"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": "?"
        "returns": [
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "[ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "]"
      "swiftGenerics": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "ElementOfResult",
            "index": 0,
            "depth": 1
      "swiftExtension": {
        "extendedModule": "Swift",
        "constraints": [
            "kind": "conformance",
            "lhs": "Self",
            "rhs": "Sequence"
      "declarationFragments": [
          "kind": "keyword",
          "spelling": "func"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " "
          "kind": "identifier",
          "spelling": "compactMap"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": "<ElementOfResult"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": ">("
          "kind": "externalParam",
          "spelling": "_"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " "
          "kind": "internalParam",
          "spelling": "transform"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": ": ("
          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
          "spelling": "UInt",
          "preciseIdentifier": "s:Su"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": ") "
          "kind": "keyword",
          "spelling": "throws"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": "?) "
          "kind": "keyword",
          "spelling": "rethrows"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " -> [ElementOfResult"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": "]"
      "accessLevel": "public"