Swift bugs are moving to GitHub Issues and we need your help!

Swift bugs are moving to GitHub Issues and we need your help!

Swift's open source project issues are currently in JIRA, making it difficult for developers to discover and integrate them into our workflows on GitHub, such as pull requests. To provide a better workflow for developers, we are working on migrating JIRA to GitHub Issues.

The issues in JIRA cover multiple repositories for the Swift project in GitHub. We will move issues from JIRA to GitHub using a two-phased process:

  • Each JIRA issue will be "cloned" to a new GitHub issue in the apple/swift repository.
  • The newly created GitHub issues will transfer to the GitHub repositories that correspond to the original components in JIRA.

Afterward, the JIRA instance will no longer accept the creation of new reports. In the future, we plan to redirect bugs.swift.org URLs to the corresponding GitHub Issues.

We desire each GitHub issue to capture who created the original issue in JIRA faithfully. A username map created by the community will facilitate this mapping. Please follow the steps below to populate this mapping accurately. JIRA issues whose creator does not appear in the mapping will be cloned to GitHub with a bot account as the creator of the new issue. Once created, it is impossible to change the creator of the new issue in GitHub. Thus, we strongly encourage those with filed issues to get the mapping as accurate as possible.

Actions required

  • Update Github and JIRA (bugs.swift.org) username mapping on forums.swift.org by April 7th 2022
    • Go to profile preferences - Swift Forums
    • Update JIRA Username and GitHub Username
  • Accept the invitation to “swift-issues-migration” organization on GitHub by April 18th 2022
    • The invitation will be sent by April 7th 2022


  • New users should contact @swift-infrastructure before creating an account starting today on bugs.swift.org
  • Update GitHub and bugs.swift.org username by April 7th 2022
  • Accept the invitation to “swift-issues-migration” organization on GitHub by April 18th 2022
  • bugs.swift.org will be in read-only mode starting April 18th 2022
  • GitHub Issues import will be available for review in read-only mode on April 19th 2022
  • GitHub Issues will be transferred from “swift-issues-migration” organization to “apple/swift” repository by April 25th 2022
  • GitHub Issues will be available for use starting April 28th 2022

This is very good news to me. I never got the hang out of Jira and I hope this will increase visibility (and… perhaps reduce the Nirvana-effect that began to spread like a radar) a bit!


Just out of curiosity, I wonder how descriptions in JIRA will be imported to GitHub issues.
GitHub adopts markdown, but JIRA doesn't.


It’s glad to hear that Swift is migrating to GitHub issues!

I noticed that you say all the SR bugs will go to apple/swift, but we have actually associated bugs with different components on JIRA, and some of them (eg. SwiftPM and SourceKit-LSP) have their own repository. Are we able to migrate these categorized issues into the corresponding repositories?

Also would like to know how tags are migrated. Thanks for all your effort to make this happen :tada::tada::tada:


The JIRA descriptions and comments will be converted into markdown format.

Here is an example: (SR-15343)

In the second phase we will be moving the issues to the corresponding repositories based on components.

Yes, we will be migrating components and labels into GitHub Issues label.


If you have the same username on GitHub and bugs.swift.org, you should still update the info in Swift Forums.

How will attachments to bug reports be migrated to GitHub Issues?

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Attachments will be compressed into one file per issue, and the link will be available in issue description.

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What about resolved issues?

They will show up as closed


Finally!!! It’s way more easy to navigate between codes and issues using github.

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There are a number of issues that I’m “watching” on JIRA just to be able to follow any developments. I doubt I’m the only one. Will this be automatically migrated and/or will there be a way export a list from JIRA to continue being subscribed to the same issues on GitHub?


Very exciting news! This should give a lot more visibility to everyone, and reduce duplicate reports! Looking forward to the migration :slightly_smiling_face:

It appears the "watchers" field on bugs.swift.org is public, but I'm not sure if there's a way to set those directly via GitHub... perhaps a comment tag would be sufficient?

No sure if this is intended but I didn’t not expect this mapping to show in folks public profile.

Currently (at least on mobile) if you click on a profile it will shows these fields.

Example for me:

JIRA Username: masters3d
GitHub Username: masters3d

Going to look into this.
Option 1. Add user to Subscribed list on GitHub Issues
Option 2. @ all users in comment as watchers


A few more questions:

JIRA's workflow allows many different statuses and resolutions for each issue instead of just "open" and "closed" for GitHub issues. Will the JIRA workflow be translated to GitHub issues via labels or some other methods?

Linked issues on JIRA can be marked as one of "relates to", "duplicates", "blocks", "is blocked by", "cloned from", "cloned to", and "is duplicated by". Upon linking, the linked issue reciprocates. How will this be done with GitHub issues?

GitHub can be less accessible for people living in some places. Is it possible to maintain the JIRA site as a mirror of GitHub issues, so all those who currently have access to bug reports will continue to have access to them after migration to GitHub issues?

The information from JIRA bugs will be included in the description.

The links will be available in the issue description, and SR- link will automatically route to GitHub Issues page.


Currently we don't have plans to run JIRA mirror for GitHub Issues.

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Reminder today is last day to provide mapping.


It's possible to export a list of the issues you're watching.

  1. Log into Swift JIRA.

  2. Click your avatar (top-right) and choose "Profile".

  3. Click the "Filters" button (top-right) and choose either "Watched" or "Watched & Open".

  4. Click the "Export" button (top-right) and choose from CSV, HTML, etc.