Status of RPMs and Debs

I'm just checking to see the status of Debs and RPMs for Linux? The RPMs at least have been in 'beta' for a while so it would be great to see that progressed and have an easy way to install Swift on Linux!

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@Ron_Olson is the guy to ask about RPMs, and there is recent work on getting Swift into Debian.

@futurejones, could you help get that Debian package in, whether adding your packaging scripts or advice?

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The latest version of Swift is available on Fedora via dnf install swiftlang.

Swift is also available in the EPEL 8 and 9 repos (see Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) :: Fedora Docs), so by enabling this repo you can also install Swift via the command above for CentOS 8/9, RHEL 8/9, Oracle Linux, etc. (anything that can use the EPEL repo and is Fedora-based).

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