Nominations for the Packages Community Showcase on

Here are my nominations:

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One I use, and one I made!

  • Package: AcmeSwift
  • Reason for nomination: An essential building block for adding Let's Encrypt support to a Vapor or other Swift server!
  • Package: CodableDatastore
  • Reason for nomination: A from-scratch ACID database I wrote completely in Swift! I've been using it on my server backend to manage users, sync data, and app data, and it's been a great learning experience for Swift concurrency and data structure spelunking.

just wondering what is the criteria for being non-commercial? can i nominate a package that is open source but i am also using commercially?

I think it should be fine if it's the package I have in mind, but let me take that question to the workgroup. What package do you have in mind?

i wanted to nominate the swift-dom library, which is (recently) Apache 2.0 licensed, but also being used for commercial purposes.

  • Package: GitHub - schwa/SwiftFormats: SwiftFormats
  • Reason for nomination: Adds a huge number of conveniences that are useful when creating for debugging views for content oriented around 3D - positions, translations, SIMD structures, angles, etc.

I'd like to nominate


Just a quick note here. The SWWG saw no reason this would not be eligible for nomination here and this package is in this month's nominations. :+1:


Thanks for all the nominations this month! This month's featured packages are now up on - Community Showcase

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I would like to nominate GitHub - davbeck/swift-glob: A native Swift implementation of glob match patterns. that I discovered via @mattie. I recently made a cli tool to automate some enterprise stuff and a part is in JS. The glob function I saw other devs use I could not find in swift. I hope this project evolves so it becomes just as powerful as the glob in JS and hopefully faster.

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It's time for nominations again, and we’re keeping the rule change from last month so you can nominate any non-commercial open-source package, including your own or those you help maintain. You still get extra karma for nominating packages written by others, though, so please consider doing that!

These packages don’t all have to be battle-tested in thousands of apps, they can be something you find interesting or novel, or something brand new.

Here's a template for nomination:

- **Package:** [Awesome Package](
- **Reason for nomination:** This package is amazing and I use it all the time.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing what you all came across this month. :+1:

This month, I'd like to nominate:

I'd like to nominate a package of mine:

  • Package: DiscordBM
  • Reason for nomination:
    • Makes it easy to write Discord bots in Swift.
    • Part of SSWG's incubation process.
    • Used in Vapor's Penny bot for 18 months or something. Has been pretty stable.

I'd like to nominate


I'd like to (self) nominate:

In the early stages but hoping with some more visibility we can get to a 1.0.0 release sooner!


Once more, with feeling! It's that time again when I ask you all for more package nominations for inclusion on the packages Community Showcase page.

Please post any nominations as a reply to this thread. You don’t have to use the template below, but please do include a reason you are nominating and a URL to the package at a minimum.

> - **Package:** [Awesome Package](
> - **Reason for nomination:** This package is amazing and I use it all the time.


My nomination:

I'd like to self nominate

Package: Neuron


Neuron is a personal project of mine where I set off to learn ML / AI from scratch in Swift in 2020 and provide an ML learning / research platform for Swift developers. It has since grown significantly over time, especially as AI has gotten more popular lately. I have been featured in a podcast to discuss Swift first AI development. I was also asked to be an instructor on the project for tryswiftworld where I taught a class on using Neuron.

I continue to update the project as I learn and delve deeper into ML / AI field. Neuron has companion projects as well that help with the learning process like a package for datasets and one for remote logging.


I'd like to nominate

September's packages are now live on the site! :tada: - Community Showcase

Please keep the nominations for October coming.