SSWG Logging API
- Proposal: SSWG-xxxx
- Authors: Johannes Weiss & Tomer Doron
- Status: Implemented
- Pitch: Server: Pitches/Logging
Almost all production server software needs logging that works with a variety of packages. So, there have been a number of different ecosystems (e.g. Vapor, Kitura, Perfect, ...) that came up with their own solutions for logging, tracing, metrics, etc.
The SSWG however aims to provide a number of packages that can be shared across within the whole Swift on Server ecosystem so we need some amount of standardisation. Because different applications have different requirements on what logging should exactly do, we're proposing to establish a SSWG logging API that can be implemented by various logging backends (called LogHandler
s are responsible to format the log messages and to deliver them on. The delivery might simply go to stdout
, might be saved to disk or a database, or might be sent off to another machine to aggregate logs for multiple services. The implementation of LogHandler
s is out of scope of this proposal and also doesn't need to be standardised across all applications. What matters is a standard API libraries can use without needing to know where the log will end up eventually.
As outlined above we should standardise on an API that if well adopted and applications should allow users to mix and match libraries from different vendors while still maintaining a consistent logging.
The aim is to support all widely used logging models such as:
- one global logger, ie. one application-wise global that's always accessible
- a scoped logger for example one per class/sub-system
- a local logger that is always explicitly passed around where the logger itself can be a value type
There are also a number of features that most agreed we will need to support, most importantly:
- log levels
- attaching meta-data (such as a request ID) to the logger
- being able to 'make up a logger out of thin air'; because we don't have one true way of dependency injection and it's better to log in a slightly different configuration than just reverting to
On top of the hard requirements the aim is to make the logging calls as fast as possible if nothing will be logged. If a log message is emitted, it will be mostly up to the LogHandler
s to do so in a fast enough way. How fast 'fast enough' is depends on the requirements, some will optimise for never losing a log message and others might optimise for the lowest possible latency even if that might not guarantee log message delivery.
Proposed solution
The proposed solution is to have one struct Logger
which has a supports a number of different methods to possibly emit a log message. Namely trace
, debug
, info
, warning
and error
. To send a log message it's usually enough to"hello there")
This now raises the question: Where does logger
come from? To this question there is two answers: Either the environment (could be a global variable, could be a function parameter, could be a class property, ...) provides logger
or if not, it is always possible to obtain a logger from the logging system itself (a.k.a. making up a logger out of thin air):
let logger = Logging.make("com.example.example-app")"hi again")
To get the best logging experience and performance, it is advisable to use .make
to pass Logger
s around or store them in a global/instance variable rather than .make
ing new Logger
s whenever one needs to log a message.
Apart from knowing where one obtains a Logger
from, it should be interesting to see what one can do with one:
public struct Logger {
public var logLevel: LogLevel
public func trace(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line)
public func debug(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line)
public func info(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line)
public func warn(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line)
public func error(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line)
public subscript(metadataKey metadataKey: String) -> String? { get set }
public var metadata: LoggingMetadata? { get set }
I guess logLevel
, trace
, debug
, info
, warning
and error
are rather self-explanatory but the meta-data related members need some more explanation.
Detailed design
Logging meta-data
In production environments that are under heavy load it's often a great help (and many would say required) that certain meta-data can be attached to every log message. Instead of seeing
info: user 'Taylor' logged in
info: user 'Swift' logged in
warn: could not establish database connection: no route to host
where it might be unclear if the warning message belong to the session with user 'Taylor' or user 'Swift' or maybe to none of the above, the following would be much clearer:
info: user 'Taylor' logged in [request_UUID: 9D315532-FA5C-4E11-88E9-520C877F58B5]
info: user 'Swift' logged in [request_UUID: 35CC2687-CD1E-45A3-80B7-CCCE278797E6]
warn: could not establish database connection: no route to host [request_UUID: 9D315532-FA5C-4E11-88E9-520C877F58B5]
now it's fairly straightforward to identify that the database issue was in the request where we were dealing with user 'Talor' because the request ID matches. The question is: How can we decorate all our log messages with the 'request UUID' or other information that we may need to correlate the messages? The easy option is:"user \(userID) logged in [request_UUID: \(currentRequestUUID)]")
and similarly for all log messages. But it quickly becomes tedious appending [request_UUID: \(currentRequestUUID)]
to every single log message. The other option is this:
logger[metadataKey: "request_UUID"] = currentRequestUUID
and from then on a simple"user \(userID) logged in")
is enough because the logger has been decorated with the request UUID already and from now on carries this information around.
Custom LogHandler
Now, let's put the logging meta-data aside and focus on the how we can create and configure a custom logging backend. As seen before, Logging.make
is what gives us a fresh logger but that raises the question what kind of logging backend will I actually get when calling Logging.make
? The answer: It's configurable per application. The application -- likely in its main function -- sets up the logging backend it wishes the whole application to use. Libraries should never change the logging implementation as that should owned by the application. Setting up the LogHandler
to be used is straightforward:
This instructs the Logging
system to install MyFavouriteLoggingImplementation
as the LogHandler
to use. This should only be done once at the start of day and is usually left alone thereafter.
Next we should discuss how one would implement MyFavouriteLoggingImplementation
. It's enough to conform to the following protocol:
public protocol LogHandler {
func log(level: LogLevel, message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt)
var logLevel: LogLevel { get set }
subscript(metadataKey metadataKey: String) -> String? { get set }
var metadata: [String: String]? { get set }
and logLevel
need to always be implemented. Logging meta-data can be implemented by always returning nil
and ignoring all metadata that is being attached to a logger but it is highly recommended to store the metadata in an appropriate way with the LogHandler
and emit it with all log messages.
The implementation of the log
function itself is rather straightforward: If log
is invoked, Logger
itself already decided that given the current logLevel
, message
should be logged. In other words, LogHandler
does not even need to compare level
to the currently configured level. That makes the shortest possible LogHandler
implementation really quite short:
public struct ShortestPossibleLogHandler: LogHandler {
public var logLevel: LogLevel = .info
public init(_ id: String) {}
public func log(level: LogLevel, message: String, file: String, function: String, line: UInt) {
public subscript(metadataKey metadataKey: String) -> String? {
// ignore all metadata, not recommended
get { return nil }
set { }
public var metadata: [String: String] {
// ignore all metadata, not recommended
get { return nil }
set { }
which can be installed using
Supported logging models
This API intends to support a number programming models:
- explicit logger passing (see
) - one global logger (see
) - one logger per sub-system (see
Because there are fundamental differences with those models it is not mandated whether the LogHandler
holds the logging configuration (log level and meta-data) as a value or as a reference. Both systems make sense and it depends on the architecture of the application and the requirements to decide what is more appropriate.
Certain systems will also want to store the logging meta-data in a thread/queue-local variable, some may even want try to automatically forward the meta-data across thread switches together with the control flow. In the Java-world this model is called MDC, your mileage in Swift may vary and again hugely depends on the architecture of the system.
I believe designing a MDC (mapped diagnostic context) solution is out of scope for this proposal but the proposed API can work with such a system (see examples).
Seeking feedback
Feedback that would really be great is:
- if anything, what does this proposal not cover that you will definitely need
- if anything, what could we remove from this and still be happy?
- API-wise: what do you like, what don't you like?
Open Questions
A couple of questions come to mind:
- Currently, attaching metadata to a logger is done through
subscript(metadataKey metadataKey: String) -> String? { get set }
. In code it would belogger[metadataKey: "request_uuid"] = "..."
, is this a good use of a subscript? - Should the logging metadata values be
? - Should this library include an MDC API? Should it be a separate module? or a separate library? SLF4J which is the moral equivalent of this API in the Java ecosystem does include one.