[Feedback] Server Logging API (with revisions)

Thanks for still sending feedback. We had two discussion threads before (here and there). Tomer and I compiled an API out of that which should allow all existing solutions to migrate to this. This is not the final version of the implementation but the rough shape of this proposal is more or less final and the outcome of previous discussion threads. There are a things I'm personally not very happy with - some of which you mention in your post - but I believe logging is so fundamental that we need to come up with an API that everybody can use and adopt without too much friction. So asking everybody to re-architect would not work I believe. Therefore, we propose the current version to the community and the SSWG will decide whether to move along with this proposal or not.

But: If accepted into the SSWG's process, the resulting package will be a regular open-source SwiftPM package and the code will evolve over time. So implementation issues and details can be addressed whilst the proposed package is going through the Sandbox/Incubation stages of the SSWG process.

I agree with your sentiment and share your opinion. However, after talking to many people and going through two discussion threads it doesn't appear like we can force the ecosystem into some logging model without risking the API package not being widely adopted which is the main important point of an API package. One of the popular packages for example only offers a global logging facility. Other people want one logger per class and configure those with different logging levels so the ability of being able to create loggers is something we need at this stage I believe.

Well, for a value-typed LogHandlers that are explicitly passed around I think this is all good. For reference-typed LogHandlers, especially global ones I do agree with your sentiment. I know we're squaring the circle here and trying to get many different ways of logging into one API but we can't ignore what's there right now and the requirements people have. We need to rely on libraries not messing with the log level etc. My hope is that over time best practices will be established and the ecosystem itself evolves and we can evolve the APIs to capture the best practices more precisely.

It's not, that's a typo in the markdown only. I'll fix later today along with other typos. In the first proposal it was indeed optional because we were toying with the idea of allowing LogHandlers to not support metadata at all. But I think that was a bad idea and therefore we removed it.

The dictionary is meant as the primary way of storing metadata in your program, ie. the LogHandler may store it however it wants (maybe a dictionary, maybe a tree, whatever). The property that exposes the whole metadata as a dictionary and it's there to support MDC (mapped metadata context) where the context can be saved/restored to/from a thread-local variable. Again, personally not a fan of that but it's a common request that you can use a thread-local to store the metadata and when crossing threads you'd take the metadata out, ship it over to another thread and install it there...

Thanks, just by accident, will fix in code.

I think that might turn out to be a good idea. If this proposal is accepted, I'd be more than interested to work with you on getting that into the codebase before we leave the Sanbox stage. At some point obviously we'll have a public API so breaking changes will be more problematic. But in the early Sandbox stage we won't immediately declare version 1.0.0, so I'd say this is a more than acceptable change. This feels inline with the spirit of the proposal, so we don't need to propose a whole new version for that.

That is also something I'd like to talk about should this proposal be accepted.

It depends on the LogHandler, squaring the circle...