Dedicated RSS feed for Swift Evolution

Is there a dedicated RSS feed for Swift Evolution?

There is but it only contains blog articles, not updates on evolution proposals.

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Not sure about a "dedicated" RSS feed, but Discourse provides RSS access to topics, users, etc.

For Swift Evolution specifically, you can subscribe to:

For more details:

What I mean by "dedicated RSS feed" is channel that only shows my updates for anything happening on Swift Evolution. So while I would get informed about any major state changes of proposals, I wouldn't get notice of all the discussions around a new feature that were to be pushed into my news feed when subscribing to the any Discourse RSS feed.

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It is not exactly what you are looking for, but you can subscribe to the RSS feed for the swift-evolution repository itself.

The feed will have every commit to the swift-evolution repository, so you will see things like edits to the proposal templates, etc. but the bulk of the commits are changes to proposals.

For the exact feed you describe, please file an issue with the website project for the website workgroup to consider.

If you can detail what information you would expect to see in each feed entry and what you would expect as major state changes, that would be very useful.

I am guessing that the major state changes would be:

  • Appearance of a new proposal in active review
  • Change of status of an existing proposal

But you may have other thoughts.

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It’s not RSS, but there’s an app specifically for tracking the proposals.


Thanks for letting me know. The repository feed is actually too much detail for me. Whenever I used that in other repository it got just too annoying very fast.

I’ll think about a proposal to the Website Working Group.

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Wow! This thing is amazing. :star_struck: Thank you for letting me know.

So much high-quality work here. Not just something that works, but also beautiful. This is what I love about this community!


This app is amazing! So happy to see more people recognizing it :smiling_face: