Proposal Monitor: I built us an app!

Hi! My name is Victor Martins and I’d like to introduce you to an app I’ve been developing.

Proposal Monitor lets you explore every Swift Evolution proposal and allows you to be notified about changes such as new proposals, review periods, acceptances and much more.

It’s available on iOS, iPadOS and visionOS (from day one). Below is a short summary of some the app’s features:

  • Push notifications can keep you up-to-date with new proposals and relevant proposal changes;
  • These updates can also be seen on your home screen using the widgets.
    They are available in multiple sizes and are compatible with widget stacks, making sure it gets to the top of the stack once there's new and relevant information.
  • You can see details about each proposal, including related proposals and discussions (such as pitches, reviews and acceptances).
    It's easy to dive in and read both the full proposals or any of its related discussions while staying in the app;
  • The proposals can be filtered by status and searched by title, authors, status, the version the proposal was implemented, and more;

I’ve been following the Swift Evolution proposals since its first years and I’ve always wanted to receive notifications about it. Over the last few years I couldn’t find an app that could do that, so I decided to build it myself and it’s been a lot of fun!

I have a lot of cool features on the roadmap for the app and I’m here sharing it with the community to hear your feedback and evolve it in the direction you are most interested in.

If you happen to be interested in it and give it a chance, tell me what you think about it and what features you'd like to see! :smile:


It’s a very beautiful app!
I love following, reading and re-reading the proposals and often look at them for reference. So your app is perfect! Thank you so much for building it!


Will a macOS version be available?


Yes, most definitely! I plan on making the iPadOS version more powerful and then implementing a macOS version.


This app is just amazing. :star_struck:

I stumbled over it while looking for an RSS feed for the proposal website. And the app is what I got instead.

Perhaps not a reason for a Vision Pro, but incredibly valuable anyway. :sweat_smile:

So much high-quality work here. Not just something that works, but also beautiful. This is what I love about this community!


Thank you :), great app! Just downloaded it.

Would like to also plug this other older (and sadly not updated for a few years now) app for Swift evolution: ‎EVOlution - App on the App Store

When you press the information button (and then on continue), the sheet for notifications will pop up again, this looks like unintended behavior or is this intentional?
Good job for the app👏

On M-models mac you can run iOS apps directly on the system, i made my apps iPad optimized, and enabled that they can run on macOS, it works well, keyboard shortcuts are also supported, it may also be enough for this app to get it on macOS.

Yes, @Panajev, unfortunately, life happened, and I didn't update EVO anymore, even though I tried a few times to write a new version of it using only SwiftUI.

@Victor_Martins, what a pleasure to see you around! After many years since we last met in Rio, I now have the pleasure to see you here with an amazing project! I will definitely download it, and thanks for your hard work implementing it. I am quite sure you had a lot of fun working on Proposal Monitor, as I did with EVO!


@Victor_Martins Your app really looks good, thank you very much!

Since it is free, have you considered open-sourcing it? I'd love to get involved, e.g. adding support for more platforms (macOS, visionOS) if you did. We could all improve it together!

Thank you! To be honest I've definitely been thinking about this more and more, recently. It's very cool to hear about your interest in contributing. I'll make sure to get back to you in case I make that decision.

Proposal Monitor supports visionOS since the first day the App Store became available on the platform! :partying_face: The interface has ornaments and plays with depth too.

The app also supports iPadOS and has additional features such as push notifications and widgets.

Just yesterday I published an update that shows — both in the app and on the widgets — a live counter of replies on the reviews that are happening right now, new dark and tinted icon variations and a lot of other improvements.

And, as always, I'm completely open to any feedbacks any of you might have! :wink:


Ah, haven't tested it on my Vision Pro yet, but glad to hear it's supported! Then macOS is the only missing platform. I'm happy to help adding it if you're interested – even if you don't want to fully open-source just yet, you can also just invite me to the repo (Jeehut).

FYI: I'm gonna mention the app at the end of my new issue of Swift Evolution Monthly (which I'm writing right now) as I'm sure many of my readers will be interested in your app. :raised_hands:

Wow! Thank you! :smile:

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The new issue is out, featuring your app. See here:

The app looks great, @Victor_Martins, I'm sure it'll help me stay on top of evolution proposals better :slightly_smiling_face:

While this might be too late, since you already wrote the code, I recently wrote an OpenAPI doc for the Evolution API, which will hopefully soon land in the repo: swift-org-website/openapi/downloadswiftorg.yaml at 01a55b2f684da92b0986135a0481343a7c73ea0d · swiftlang/swift-org-website · GitHub

Passing this doc to GitHub - apple/swift-openapi-generator: Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document. allows you to generate a typesafe client to call the API, rather than having to maintain the types manually.

Might be useful to you in the future


Thank you!

Hahahahah yeah, I actually had written it even before the API was made official through this discussion from @James_Dempsey Swift Evolution Metadata Proposed Changes

But thank you for the suggestion and its awesome to know that it'll be used in!

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Yes, I also want to note that the reference implementation of the Swift Evolution metadata API is available as a Swift library as part of the swiftlang/swift-evolution-metadata-extractor project.

In this particular case, using the EvolutionMetadataModel library provides you the same Codable types used to generate and test the json file, without needing to add a plug-in to your build setup to generate the types from OpenAPI.

The intent was to provide Swift developers the most direct route to decoding json provided by the API.