This initial post acts like a C++ interoperability workgroup meeting calendar. This thread contains the invitations for the upcoming meetings.
Any community member that is interested in C++ interoperability can call into a meeting.
The workgroup currently uses two distinct meeting formats:
Design / evolution sync-ups. Such meetings don't have a regular schedule. They happen only when a community member raises agenda items related to design and/or evolution of C++ interoperability. To add items to the agenda, please send a direct message to @cxx-interop-workgroup, or post a request on this forum section. The sync-up meetings typically occur on Mondays at 10 AM pacific time and last for an hour.
Weekly office hours. This is a 30 minute meeting that is open to everyone who has questions about implementation , design, or adoption of C++ interoperability. This is an informal meeting and there's no agenda so all related questions or discussion topics are welcome. We usually meet for the office hours every week (with some exceptions) on Fridays at 10AM pacific.
Upcoming meetings
The sections below list the upcoming events in the chronological order. Events with an announced invitation link to the event's announcement post on this thread. This thread contains all of the current invitations for future events. Once the meeting occurs, the invitation post is deleted from this thread and this post is updated as well.
March 2023
- Friday, 10rd of March 10:00 AM PT: office hours
- Friday, 17th of March 9:30 AM PT:: office hours (invitation will be sent out on the 15th of March).