Swift is missing a great many data types (see Adding more data structures to the standard library). I thought I may be able to get this going with suggesting the introduction of a LinkedList
type to Swift.
Linked lists have numerous applications in programming. Not only will they make solving certain problems easier, it provides a foundation from which other types can be built, such as queues. Moreover, linked list are more or less a standard collection type in many other languages.
I decided to make LinkedList
and doubly linked list. Right now, my current implementation abstracts away the nodes, providing the users with the algorithmic benefits of a linked list while having the same ease-of-use as any other collection.
If you would like to play around with LinkedList
, feel free to check out the GitHub repo.
public struct LinkedList<Element> {
private var headNode: Node?
private var tailNode: Node?
/// The number of elements in the linked list.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
public private(set) var count: Int = 0
private var id = ID()
/// Creates a new, empty linked list.
/// This is equivalent to initializing a linked list with an empty array literal.
/// For example:
/// var emptyLinkedList = LinkedList<Int>()
/// print(emptyLinkedList.isEmpty)
/// // Prints "true"
/// emptyLinkedList = []
/// print(emptyLinkedList.isEmpty)
/// // Prints "true"
public init() { }
fileprivate class ID {
init() { }
//MARK: - LinkedList Node
extension LinkedList {
fileprivate class Node {
public var value: Element
public var next: Node?
public weak var previous: Node?
public init(value: Element) {
self.value = value
//MARK: - Initializers
public extension LinkedList {
private init(_ nodeChain: (head: Node, tail: Node, count: Int)?) {
guard let chain = nodeChain else {
headNode = chain.head
tailNode = chain.tail
count = chain.count
init<S>(_ elements: S) where S: Sequence, S.Element == Element {
if let linkedList = elements as? LinkedList<Element> {
self = linkedList
} else {
self = LinkedList(chain(of: elements))
//MARK: Chain of Nodes
extension LinkedList {
/// Creates a chain of nodes from a sequence. Returns `nil` if the sequence is empty.
private func chain<S>(of sequence: S) -> (head: Node, tail: Node, count: Int)? where S: Sequence, S.Element == Element {
var iterator = sequence.makeIterator()
var head, tail: Node
var count = 0
guard let firstValue = iterator.next() else {
return nil
var currentNode = Node(value: firstValue)
head = currentNode
count = 1
while let nextElement = iterator.next() {
let nextNode = Node(value: nextElement)
currentNode.next = nextNode
nextNode.previous = currentNode
currentNode = nextNode
count += 1
tail = currentNode
return (head: head, tail: tail, count: count)
//MARK: - Copy Nodes
extension LinkedList {
private mutating func copyNodes(settingNodeAt index: Index, to value: Element) {
id = ID()
var currentIndex = startIndex
var currentNode = Node(value: currentIndex == index ? value : currentIndex.node!.value)
let newHeadNode = currentNode
currentIndex = self.index(after: currentIndex)
while currentIndex < endIndex {
let nextNode = Node(value: currentIndex == index ? value : currentIndex.node!.value)
currentNode.next = nextNode
nextNode.previous = currentNode
currentNode = nextNode
currentIndex = self.index(after: currentIndex)
headNode = newHeadNode
tailNode = currentNode
private mutating func copyNodes(removing range: Range<Index>) -> Range<Index> {
id = ID()
var currentIndex = startIndex
while range.contains(currentIndex) {
currentIndex = index(after: currentIndex)
guard let headValue = currentIndex.node?.value else {
self = LinkedList()
return endIndex..<endIndex
var currentNode = Node(value: headValue)
let newHeadNode = currentNode
var newCount = 1
var removedRange: Range<Index> = Index(node: currentNode, offset: 0, id: id)..<Index(node: currentNode, offset: 0, id: id)
currentIndex = index(after: currentIndex)
while currentIndex < endIndex {
guard !range.contains(currentIndex) else {
currentIndex = index(after: currentIndex)
let nextNode = Node(value: currentIndex.node!.value)
if currentIndex == range.upperBound {
removedRange = Index(node: nextNode, offset: newCount, id: id)..<Index(node: nextNode, offset: newCount, id: id)
currentNode.next = nextNode
nextNode.previous = currentNode
currentNode = nextNode
newCount += 1
currentIndex = index(after: currentIndex)
if currentIndex == range.upperBound {
removedRange = Index(node: nil, offset: newCount, id: id)..<Index(node: nil, offset: newCount, id: id)
headNode = newHeadNode
tailNode = currentNode
count = newCount
return removedRange
//MARK: - Computed Properties
public extension LinkedList {
/// The element at the head (start) of the linked list.
/// - Note: This value is the same as `.first`.
var head: Element? {
return headNode?.value
/// The element at the tail (end) of the linked list.
/// - Note: This value is the same as `.last`.
var tail: Element? {
return tailNode?.value
//MARK: - Sequence Conformance
extension LinkedList: Sequence {
public typealias Element = Element
public __consuming func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(node: headNode)
public struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
private var currentNode: Node?
fileprivate init(node: Node?) {
currentNode = node
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
guard let node = currentNode else {
return nil
currentNode = node.next
return node.value
//MARK: - Collection Conformance
extension LinkedList: Collection {
public var startIndex: Index {
return Index(node: headNode, offset: 0, id: id)
public var endIndex: Index {
return Index(node: nil, offset: count, id: id)
public var first: Element? {
return head
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return count == 0
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
precondition(i.isMember(of: self), "LinkedList index is invalid")
precondition(i.offset != endIndex.offset, "LinkedList index is out of bounds")
return Index(node: i.node?.next, offset: i.offset + 1, id: id)
public struct Index: Comparable {
fileprivate weak var node: Node?
fileprivate var offset: Int
fileprivate weak var listID: ID?
fileprivate init(node: Node?, offset: Int, id: ID) {
self.node = node
self.offset = offset
self.listID = id
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the index is a member of `linkedList`.
/// - Parameter linkedList: the list being check for indxe membership.
fileprivate func isMember(of linkedList: LinkedList) -> Bool {
return listID === linkedList.id
public static func ==(lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.offset == rhs.offset
public static func <(lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.offset < rhs.offset
//MARK: - MutableCollection Conformance
extension LinkedList: MutableCollection {
public subscript(position: Index) -> Element {
get {
precondition(position.isMember(of: self), "LinkedList index is invalid")
precondition(position.offset != endIndex.offset, "Index out of range")
guard let node = position.node else {
preconditionFailure("LinkedList index is invalid")
return node.value
set {
precondition(position.isMember(of: self), "LinkedList index is invalid")
precondition(position.offset != endIndex.offset, "Index out of range")
// Copy-on-write semantics for nodes
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&headNode) {
copyNodes(settingNodeAt: position, to: newValue)
} else {
position.node?.value = newValue
//MARK: - LinkedList Specific Operations
public extension LinkedList {
/// Adds an element to the start of the linked list.
/// The following example adds a new number to a linked list of integers:
/// var numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
/// numbers.prepend(0)
/// print(numbers)
/// // Prints "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
/// - Parameter newElement: The element to prepend to the collection.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
mutating func prepend(_ newElement: Element) {
replaceSubrange(startIndex..<startIndex, with: CollectionOfOne(newElement))
/// Adds the elements of a sequence or collection to the start of this
/// linked list.
/// The following example prepends the elements of a `Range<Int>` instance to
/// a linked list of integers:
/// var numbers: LinkedList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
/// numbers.append(contentsOf: -5...0)
/// print(numbers)
/// // Prints "[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
/// - Parameter newElements: The elements to prepend to the collection.
/// - Complexity: O(*m*), where *m* is the length of `newElements`.
mutating func prepend<S>(contentsOf newElements: __owned S) where S: Sequence, S.Element == Element {
replaceSubrange(startIndex..<startIndex, with: newElements)
/// Removes and returns the first element of the collection.
/// Calling this method may invalidate all saved indices of this
/// collection. Do not rely on a previously stored index value after
/// altering a collection with any operation that can change its length.
/// - Returns: The first element of the collection if the collection is not
/// empty; otherwise, `nil`.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
mutating func popFirst() -> Element? {
if isEmpty {
return nil
return removeFirst()
mutating func popLast() -> Element? {
if isEmpty {
return nil
return removeLast()
//MARK: - BidirectionalCollection Conformance
extension LinkedList: BidirectionalCollection {
var last: Element? {
return tail
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
precondition(i.isMember(of: self), "LinkedList index is invalid")
precondition(i.offset != startIndex.offset, "LinkedList index is out of bounds")
if i.offset == count {
return Index(node: tailNode, offset: i.offset - 1, id: id)
return Index(node: i.node?.previous, offset: i.offset - 1, id: id)
//MARK: - RangeReplaceableCollection Conformance
extension LinkedList: RangeReplaceableCollection {
public mutating func append<S>(contentsOf newElements: __owned S) where S: Sequence, Element == S.Element {
replaceSubrange(endIndex..<endIndex, with: newElements)
public mutating func replaceSubrange<S, R>(_ subrange: R, with newElements: __owned S) where S: Sequence, R: RangeExpression, Element == S.Element, Index == R.Bound {
var range = subrange.relative(to: indices)
precondition(range.lowerBound.isMember(of: self) && range.upperBound.isMember(of: self), "LinkedList range of indices are invalid")
precondition(range.lowerBound >= startIndex && range.upperBound <= endIndex, "Subrange bounds are out of range")
// If range covers all elements and the new elements are a LinkedList then set references to it
if range.lowerBound == startIndex, range.upperBound == endIndex, let linkedList = newElements as? LinkedList {
self = linkedList
var newElementsCount = 0
// There are no new elements, so range indicates deletion
guard let nodeChain = chain(of: newElements) else {
// If there is nothing in the removal range
// This also covers the case that the linked list is empty because this is the only possible range
guard range.lowerBound != range.upperBound else {
// Deletion range spans all elements
if range.lowerBound == startIndex && range.upperBound == endIndex {
headNode = nil
tailNode = nil
count = 0
// Copy-on-write semantics for nodes and remove elements in range
guard isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&headNode) else {
copyNodes(removing: range)
// Update count after mutation to preserve startIndex and endIndex validity
defer {
count = count - (range.upperBound.offset - range.lowerBound.offset)
// Move head up if deletion starts at start index
if range.lowerBound == startIndex {
// Can force unwrap node since the upperBound is not the end index
headNode = range.upperBound.node!
headNode!.previous = nil
// Move tail back if deletion ends at end index
} else if range.upperBound == endIndex {
// Can force unwrap since lowerBound index must have an associated element
tailNode = range.lowerBound.node!.previous
tailNode!.next = nil
// Deletion range is in the middle of the linked list
} else {
// Can force unwrap all bound nodes since they both must have elements
range.upperBound.node!.previous = range.lowerBound.node!.previous
range.lowerBound.node!.previous!.next = range.upperBound.node!
// Obtain the count of the new elements from the node chain composed from them
newElementsCount = nodeChain.count
// Replace entire content of list with new elements
if range.lowerBound == startIndex && range.upperBound == endIndex {
headNode = nodeChain.head
tailNode = nodeChain.tail
count = nodeChain.count
// Copy-on-write semantics for nodes before mutation
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&headNode) {
range = copyNodes(removing: range)
// Update count after mutation to preserve startIndex and endIndex validity
defer {
count += nodeChain.count - (range.upperBound.offset - range.lowerBound.offset)
// Prepending new elements
guard range.upperBound != startIndex else {
headNode?.previous = nodeChain.tail
nodeChain.tail.next = headNode
headNode = nodeChain.head
// Appending new elements
guard range.lowerBound != endIndex else {
tailNode?.next = nodeChain.head
nodeChain.head.previous = tailNode
tailNode = nodeChain.tail
if range.lowerBound == startIndex {
headNode = nodeChain.head
if range.upperBound == endIndex {
tailNode = nodeChain.tail
range.lowerBound.node!.previous!.next = nodeChain.head
range.upperBound.node!.previous = nodeChain.tail
//MARK: - ExpressibleByArrayLiteral Conformance
extension LinkedList: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
public typealias ArrayLiteralElement = Element
public init(arrayLiteral elements: ArrayLiteralElement...) {
//MARK: - CustomStringConvertible Conformance
extension LinkedList: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return "[" + lazy.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: ", ") + "]"
//MARK: - Equatable Conformance
extension LinkedList: Equatable where Element: Equatable {
public static func ==(lhs: LinkedList<Element>, rhs: LinkedList<Element>) -> Bool {
guard lhs.count == rhs.count else {
return false
for (a, b) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
guard a == b else {
return false
return true
Is this a worthwhile addition to Swift? Are there any aspects of it that should be changed?