Xcodebuild Update to Latest Package Versions

Hi all,

I would like to obtain the same result as Xcode's Update to Latest Package Versions.

I have tried to use:
xcodebuild -scheme SchemeName -resolvePackageDependencies
However it doesn't appear to always work...

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did it ever worked?

here is the things I've tried:

  1. remove Package.resolved
  2. add -disablePackageRepositoryCach
  3. specify new folder for -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath

still xcodebuild resolves all packages to the ones we had and does not update

Nope, it appears there’s still no way to do this using xcodebuild. Resolving packages without a resolved file will update packages if the cached checkout version is newer, but won’t actively update anything.

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We have a GitHub action that updates to lastest packages once a week using this step:

    - name: Update Swift packages
      run: |
        NEW_SPM_CLONE_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
        find . -name Package.resolved -exec rm {} \;
        ./scripts/resolve-swift-package-dependencies.zsh $NEW_SPM_CLONE_DIR
        ./scripts/resolve-swift-package-dependencies.zsh $NEW_SPM_CLONE_DIR \
            -workspace Workspace.xcworkspace -scheme Scheme
        rm -rf $NEW_SPM_CLONE_DIR

and this script: resolve-swift-package-dependencies.zsh


if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]
    echo Using Clone folder: $1
    cat << EndOfUsage
Resolve Swift Packages Dependencies with one clean retry

$ZSH_ARGZERO directory [additional options]

directory is where to clone dependent Swift Packages
additional options for xcodebuild, e.g. -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme

    exit 1


xcodebuild $@ -resolvePackageDependencies -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath $cloneFolder

if [[ $? == 0 ]]
    echo Resolved Swift Packages Dependencies on the first try
    echo Removing clone folder: $cloneFolder
    rm -rf $cloneFolder
    echo ::notice:: Retrying package resolution
    xcodebuild $@ -resolvePackageDependencies -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath $cloneFolder

here is open source project with GitHub action to update dependencies:

So, essentially, delete the resolved file and the SPM cache and then try to resolve again?