When compiling in the release environment with XCode 16.0(16A242d), concurrent compilation fails. Is there a way to fix this?
this is debug:
and this is release:
When compiling in the release environment with XCode 16.0(16A242d), concurrent compilation fails. Is there a way to fix this?
this is debug:
This is the "Whole Module" "Compilation Mode" setting, in Release mode it uses a single compiler process to better optimize the output. You can switch it to incremental but you'll lose performance.
Thank you, I have tried using the "Whole Module" setting, but it seems that the compilation of each module is still single-threaded, which is quite different from debug.
this is release with "Whole Module":
I think I have found the reason. I am using SPM to manage dependencies, and it seems that I need to set the Compilation Mode for each package.