As per the concepty of Propery Wrapper, When we create a wrapped Value , it can be constant stored property. So it is not usefull , if it supports creation of wrappedValue propery as constant stored property.
That is "public let wrappedValue: Int = 70" .
wrappedValue should be only computed property in my opinion. It must'nt support stored property behavior.
Because we can apply propery wrapper to only variables , not constant in first place.
I am sharing sample code, please look carefully, There is no advantage at all to create wrappedValue as stored constant property.
===> @propertyWrapper
struct TwelveOrLess {
public let wrappedValue: Int = 70
private var number = 0
struct Clamped<T: Comparable> {
var wrappedValue: T {
min(max(_wrappedValue, range.lowerBound), range.upperBound)
init(wrappedValue: T, range: ClosedRange<T>) {
_wrappedValue = wrappedValue
self.range = range
private var _wrappedValue: T
private var range: ClosedRange<T>
…you will get the error
❌ Cannot assign to value: 'x' is a get-only property
when attempting to mutate it:
@Clamped(range: 0...10) var x = 15
x = 5
But the exact code from the article will generate the same error, despite its wrappedValue being a constant, due to the auto-generated wrapping code.
This conversion results in worse code. When possible, a constant is a better YAGNI-style choice than a computed property for property wrappers or otherwise. Swift simplifies the model used by other languages whose best practices dictate always abstracting "fields" behind accessors.