I have a complex structure of classes, and I'm trying to migrate to swift6
For this classes I've a facade that creates the classes for me without disclosing their internals, only conforming to a known protocol
I think I've hit a hard wall in my knowledge of how the actors can exchange data between themselves. I've created a small piece of code that can trigger the error I've hit
import SwiftUI
import Observation
actor MyActor {
static let shared: some Actor = MyActor()
init() {
protocol ProtocolMyActor {
var value: String { get }
func set(value: String)
func make(value: String) -> ProtocolMyActor {
return ImplementationMyActor(value: value)
class ImplementationMyActor: ProtocolMyActor {
private(set) var value: String
init(value: String) {
self.value = value
func set(value: String) {
self.value = value
class ViewObserver {
let implementation: ProtocolMyActor
var value: String
init() async {
let implementation = await make(value: "Ciao")
self.implementation = implementation
self.value = await implementation.value
func set(value: String) {
Task {
await implementation.set(value: value)
self.value = value
struct MyObservedView: View {
@State var model: ViewObserver?
var body: some View {
if let model {
Button("Loaded \(model.value)") {
model.set(value: ["A", "B", "C"].randomElement()!)
} else {
.task {
self.model = await ViewObserver()
The error
Non-sendable type 'any ProtocolMyActor' passed in implicitly asynchronous call to global actor 'MyActor'-isolated property 'value' cannot cross actor boundary
Occurs in the init on the line "self.value = await implementation.value"
I don't know which concurrency error happens... Yes the init is in the MainActor , but the ProtocolMyActor data can only be accessed in a MyActor queue, so no data races can happen... and each access in my ImplementationMyActor uses await, so I'm not reading or writing the object from a different actor, I just pass sendable values as parameter to a function of the object..
can anybody help me understand better this piece of concurrency problem?