`withTaskGroup(of:)` leaks huge amounts of memory, but only on linux

i’ve been spending a couple of days debugging a memory leak in my application, which leaks over 300MB of memory per second. i was able to isolate the issue to a call to withTaskGroup(of:), which looks pretty much like this:

    func peg<Client>( ... , using client:Client, as:Client.Type,
        whenever instructions:
        @Sendable () async -> (price:Decimal<Int64>, indicators:T)?) 
        async -> [Fill<T>]
        where Client:Executor
        let pollster:Task = .init
            while self.closed < size 
                await self.poll(using: client)
        while self.closed < size
        let _:Void          = await pollster.value
    func poll<Client>(using client:Client) async 
        where Client:Executor
        await withTaskGroup(of: Order.self) 
            (group:inout TaskGroup<Order>) in
            for identifier:Int64 in self.orders.keys
                    await client.status(order: identifier)
            for await order:Order in group 
        await Task.yield()

originally, i thought the issue was in the tasks being added to the task group, but i found that the memory leaks (at the same rate!) even when no tasks are added at all, and even when the return type is set to Void:

    func poll<Client>(using client:Client) async 
        where Client:Executor
        // still leaks!!!
        await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) 
            (group:inout TaskGroup<Void>) in
        await Task.yield()

the only thing that stops the memory leak is removing the call to withTaskGroup(of:) entirely.

i have also tried profiling the application on MacOS with Instruments, but the memory leak does not seem to occur on MacOS, only on Linux builds.

anyone have any ideas what’s going on here?


i’ve got the issue reduced to the following repro:

// taskgroup.swift 

enum Main 
    func main() async
        while true 
            await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) 
                _ in
$ swiftenv local DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2021-09-07-a
$ swiftc -parse-as-library -O taskgroup.swift 
$ ./taskgroup

on my machine, this test program leaks over 3.5 GB of memory per second…

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Thanks for the report we had a bug about child tasks leaking that we fixed here: https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/39158

The fact that there’s a leak with no tasks added at all seems super weird… thanks for reporting, well have to have a look.

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update: i just tested with yesterday’s nightly (8e4054f), which includes PR #39158, and the issue still appears to be present.

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Thanks for confirming, I’ll have a look on Monday after vacation. Thanks again for spotting this.


Hi there, I confirmed the issue on linux and am looking into it.


Terribly silly bug... thanks for reporting, we were able to track it down and fix it: [Concurrency] Don't leak groups - call the destructor explicitly by ktoso · Pull Request #39295 · apple/swift · GitHub

This will be fixed in upcoming releases.

Thanks again for the report!


perfect! this was a showstopper for one of my projects… thank you so much!

any idea where I can get my hands on a toolchain containing the fix? the nightlies on swift.org haven’t been updated since last thursday.

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Sadly I don’t know when there will be a nightly toolchain with this, hopefully soon.

In the meantime there is a toolchain for linux in this PR [Concurrency] Don't leak groups - call the destructor explicitly by ktoso · Pull Request #39295 · apple/swift · GitHub

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that looks like a 16.04 toolchain, is there a toolchain for 20.04?

Sorry, no. You’ll have to wait for the nightlies.

i’m trying to build the toolchain locally in the meantime, but i’m running into SR-14710 :/ (symlinking .swiftenv to the toolchain didn’t work). the error output suggests the flag --skip-early-swift-driver, but this doesn’t seem to be a valid option for utils/build-toolchain. do you know of a workaround?

it is also complaining about .distcc/zeroconf/hosts contained no hosts; can't distribute work, but i am not even using the --distcc flag…