Why this kind of isolation pattern is allowed?

This code is compiled and have no warning.

even though State is shared between different actor which is unSendable and even not makred as sending.

func bar(isolation actor: isolated any Actor = #isolation) async {
    var value = 0

// this is allowed because we are taking copy of Sendable?
    await foo(isolation: MainActor.shared) {
        return 100
    } body: { mutableNumber in
        mutableNumber += 100
        value += 100
    // NonSendable is shared between, MainActor and current Actor
    await foo(isolation: MainActor.shared) {
        return NonSendable()
    } body: { unSendable in
        value += 100
        unSendable = NonSendable()
    // mutate TaskGroup from MainActor and current Actor
    await foo2 (isolation: MainActor.shared) { group in
        value += 100
        group.addTask {

func foo<T:~Copyable>(
    isolation actor: isolated any Actor = #isolation,
    provider: @Sendable () -> sending T,
    body: (inout T) async -> Void
) async ->  Void {
    var ref = provider()
    await body(&ref)

func foo2(
    isolation actor: isolated any Actor = #isolation,
    body: (inout TaskGroup<Void>) async -> Void
) async ->  Void {
    await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
        // this is actor context
        group.addTask {
        // body is caller's context ( actor != caller )
        await body(&group)

struct NonSendable: ~Copyable { }

@available(*, unavailable)
extension NonSendable: Sendable {

for now NonSendable state is shared in Swift 6.
At least in the code above there is no data race in runtime.
I think pattern like above could potentionally make data race, or did I miss something?

Above pattern is inspired by new TaskGroup implementation

Edited for to use valid case since Actor instance method somehow not works

Still xcode 16 beta 4 prevents this kind of pattern partially. (not fully!)

func bar(isolation actor: isolated any Actor = #isolation) async {
    var value = 0

// this is allowed because we are taking copy of Sendable?
    await foo(isolation: MainActor.shared) {
        return 100
    } body: { mutableNumber in
     /// why this is allowd?
        mutableNumber += 100
        value += 100
    // NonSendable is shared between, MainActor and current Actor
    await foo(isolation: MainActor.shared) {
        return NonSendable()
    } body: { unSendable in
        value += 100
        unSendable = NonSendable()
    // taskGroup is created from MainActor and passed to #actor ?
    await foo2 (isolation: MainActor.shared) { group in
        value += 100
///Sending 'actor'-isolated value of type '(inout TaskGroup<Void>) async -> Void' with later accesses to main actor-isolated context risks causing data races
        let _ = actor
        group.addTask {

parameter of foo2 is protected by the MainActor. but local mutable variable value which is isolated to the actor can be accessed within MainActor without any error.