Hello everyone,
I am currently migrating my large project's binary dependencies from dynamic to static binaries. To achieve this, I am creating an SPM (Swift Package Manager) package with all of my third-party dependencies. Here is an example of an RxSwift dependency declaration:
let package = Package(
name: "ThirdPartyDeps",
products: [
.library(name: "RxSwift", targets: ["RxSwift"])
targets: [
name: "RxSwift",
url: "some_link_to_static_library.zip",
checksum: "..."
This declaration produces the expected static linking to my main app binary. However, I still see the RxSwift.framework in the MyApp.app/Frameworks folder, which contains a small dynamic "Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library" of size 35kb and a _CodeSignature folder. I encounter this small, seemingly useless framework for every dependency I migrate from dynamic to static linking.
Does anyone know the reason for its presence and how I can instruct Xcode not to produce it?
Thank you