Why is `DateFormatter` Sendable but `ISO8601DateFormatter` isn't

I installed the latest Xcode version 16 beta 5 to try to enable swift 6 on my project and one of the errors I got led me to discover that the ISO8601DateFormatter is explicitly written as non-Sendable when DateFormatter is.

open class DateFormatter : Formatter, @unchecked Sendable { ... }


@available(*, unavailable)
extension ISO8601DateFormatter : @unchecked Sendable {

Why is this so ?

Because NSDateFormatter was rewritten to do internal locking during the 2010s, but NSISO8601DateFormatter wasn't. See the list here Thread Safety Summary


As an alternative, you can use Date.ISO8601FormatStyle, which is Sendable.

NSISO8601DateFormatter isn’t on either list on that page, so I’m not sure that’s a sufficient explanation.

Huh, yeah, that documentation could probably use an update