Thank you! I'm honestly a bit sad since this implicit flattening removes information. Without it you would be able to directly check if a function has thrown since Optional(nil) is different from nil. I hope it has been considered during the review phase of SE-0230.
Seems to me like a better solution than try?-flattening everything would have been to add a static unwrap method for opting in.
Because this is also an Int?:
let int = try? .unwrap(foo)
As it is, if we get a proper throwing unwrapping method, this will become easy on you.
do {
// The necessity for explicit typing here is going away, I think.
let int = try Int?.unwrap(foo)
} catch let error as Optional<Int>.UnwrapError {
} catch {
public extension Optional {
final class UnwrapError: AnyOptional.UnwrapError { }
static func unwrap(
_ optional: () throws -> Self
) throws -> Wrapped {
try optional().unwrap()
/// - Note: Useful for emulating `break`, with `map`, `forEach`, etc.
/// - Throws: if `nil`.
func unwrap(
orThrow error: @autoclosure () -> Error = UnwrapError()
) throws -> Wrapped {
if let wrapped = self {
return wrapped
} else {
throw error()
public enum AnyOptional {
public class UnwrapError: Error {
public init() { }