I am trying to understand the interaction between Actors and sendable but it seems I still don't get it. After reading the Sendable evolution proposal, I was under the impression that we cannot call functions on actors with non-sendable parameters, this is the snippet I was reading:
actor SomeActor {
// async functions are usable *within* the actor, so this
// is ok to declare.
func doThing(string: NSMutableString) async {...}
// ... but they cannot be called by other code not protected
// by the actor's mailbox:
func f(a: SomeActor, myString: NSMutableString) async {
// error: 'NSMutableString' may not be passed across actors;
// it does not conform to 'Sendable'
await a.doThing(string: myString)
however when I try and implement something similar, I don't get an error when I expect I should get one, here is a very stupid example I conjured quick
class User {
var name: String
var password: String
init(name: String, password: String) {
self.name = name
self.password = password
actor LastUserLogger {
var lastUser: User?
func lastUser(was user: User) {
self.lastUser = user
class SomeViewModel {
let actor = LastUserLogger()
var user: User?
func doStuffWithUser(name: String, password: String) async {
let user = User(name: name, password: password)
self.user = user
await actor.lastUser(was: user)
func resetPasswordOnLast() async {
user?.password = "new password"
I am for some reason allowed to pass the User between the MainActor and the LastUserLogger actor and keep reference in both places. Should only Sendable types be allowed to cross isolation domains?
I need to put my sanity back in place so any feedback is welcomed