i’m opening this thread because one of my proposals, Synthesized Comparable
for pure enumerations, has been sitting with its swift evolution PR open for nearly a month with no action from core team members who would have the authority to bring it to review. the proposal text is finished, raised issues have been addressed, and its implementation branch has been untouched for about two months now. By all means, the proposal has fulfilled all the requirements to go to community review (except for CI tests, which can only be triggered by members with write-access), yet still, no review has been scheduled.
looking through the list of open pull requests on swift-evolution
, there seem to be many, many implemented proposals stuck in a similar limbo.
map sorting (open since march 7th, implementation:
) -
clauses on contextually generic declarations (open since april 1, implementation:apple/swift#23489
) -
character literals (open since june 13, implementation:
) -
(open since may 30, implementation:apple/swift#24766
) -
(open since january 10, implementation:apple/swift#21767
) -
API (open since january 7, implementation:apple/swift#21793
these are only a sampling of examples from 2019, the backlog extends far beyond this list. failing to act on these ready proposals has real consequences: code rot means lots of the implementations now have merge conflicts with the swift master branch, returning (not just potential!) contributors are discouraged from contributing to swift again, and the lack of responsiveness displayed by the swift team reflects badly on the open source project as a whole.
the swift project should not be expected to accept any and all contributions just because a random contributor submitted a pull request. however, as an open source project, it is a basic expectation that those responsible for managing the project should give a fair hearing to such contributions, even if it amounts to a simple explanation for why the contribution was thrown out. If they lack the time or resources to do so, it is their responsibility to relinquish control of the project to the community or a more decentralized authority that is capable of reciprocating the effort that community contributors have given to the project. if community contributions are only looked at whenever the apple team “feels like it”, then swift is not a true open source project, and marketing it as such is disingenuous.
i have made tons of attempts to resolve this matter privately, including DMing both non-core and multiple core team members and bumping the pull request, and i feel i, and others, have given ample time for someone, (anyone!) to “get around to it”. however my attempt to contact the core team privately did not even garner a response, and at this point i feel like i have no choice but to raise this issue publicly.
Why are all these proposals not being acted upon?