Who knows how to call swift await async function in xcode debugger?

(lldb) po try await JrpcTransport.create(jrpcConnection).getContractState(MsgAddressInt.repack(address))

error: expression failed to parse:
warning: :11:7: warning: initialization of variable '$__lldb_error_result' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it
var $__lldb_error_result = __lldb_tmp_error

error: :8:11: error: 'async' call in a function that does not support concurrency
try await JrpcTransport.create(jrpcConnection).getContractState(MsgAddressInt.repack(address))

:4:14: note: add 'async' to function '$__lldb_wrapped_expr_89' to make it asynchronous
final func $_lldb_wrapped_expr_89( $__lldb_arg : UnsafeMutablePointer) {

what I should do to make it work?

wrap it in a Task:

p Task { await .... }

just don't expect it will be called straight away – more likely it will be called on the next run loop invocation after you press continue in the debugger.

thanks, it works, but how I can output result? some string for example
currently it prints out task object

Task { print(await ...) }