What neovim setup was used in the WWDC24's video

Anyone knows what neovim setup (plugins, configuration etc.) was used in the begining of the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqxbsADqDI4&ab_channel=AppleDeveloper ?



Heh, I don't know exactly how you configured your setup for this Kuba, but we have a setup guide for getting Neovim set up for Swift development.


My setup is based on this guide :slight_smile:

thanks, noted, I thought it would be more complex )

Has anyone had success getting DAP to work on Linux for NeoVim? I have only seen this guide for which relies on Xcode. I feel like Swift has the best debugging experiences and it would be great to have that in NeoVim.


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Please share the config if possible. I really like the clean look you've achieved :smile: