What is the recommended way to add helper functions in TCA?

What is the best and recommended way to add helpers/utils to a TCA project? And how should they be accessed/used?
For example, adding a keychain wrapper for saving and retrieving user data throughout the project?


I have a Keychain client on my project and I'm setting it as an environment dependency.

It's also an isolated module (Swift Package).


So it's a separate feature? can you share where have you placed it?

It's something like this:

let package = Package(
    name: "featureapp-ios",
    products: [
        .library(name: "FeatureApp", targets: ["FeatureApp"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(path: "../KeychainClient"),
    targets: [
            name: "FeatureApp",
            dependencies: [
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This looks good. Can you also share the folder structure? just to make sure.

For instance, having a project path folder like /Developer/myproject:

|- FeatureApp (a package set like /Developer/myproject/FeatureApp
|- KeychainClient (another package set like /Developer/myproject/KeychainClient)
and put another future packages at the same level

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Great! Thank you @otondin for such a prompt response.

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You can also put your packages inside a specialized folder like: /Developer/myproject/packages

|- FeatureApp (a package set like /Developer/myproject/packages/FeatureApp
|- KeychainClient (another package set like /Developer/myproject/packages/KeychainClient)

That way, assuming you're creating these packages to use on a specific project and isn't a library to use across projects, you can create your App project at /Developer/myproject path and add/manage your packages to your project pretty easily.

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Yeah, Absolutely! Incase of multiple helpers the packages directory approach looks cleaner.