I'm using embedded Swift and it asked me to implement this runtime function. What is it and where can I get a list of the others, since they only seem to error when I happen to use them?
My code was working a few months ago but now the number of functions required appears to have increased.
I see, thanks. Though now that I look at this issue, mine appears worse as I don't use any dictionaries, I just use String to draw text to the screen. Odd.
I used this scary hack (and the appropriate StringLiteral extensions):
public typealias String = CString
public typealias Character = CChar
Thankfully my String usage isn't complicated enough to need any String specific methods so it compiles.
If you compare strings at all either through == or < (and friends) or hash them in any way (it doesn't sound like you're doing this), then it will want to reference this symbol.
Unless I'm missing something subtle this code doesn't compare strings in any way:
public struct TileFont<Source: Drawable> {
public let inner: DrawableGrid<Source>
public let map: @Sendable (Character) -> (x: Int, y: Int)?
public let spacing: Int
public init(
source: Source,
charWidth: Int,
charHeight: Int,
spacing: Int = 1,
map: @escaping @Sendable (Character) -> (x: Int, y: Int)?
) {
self.inner = source.grid(itemWidth: charWidth, itemHeight: charHeight)
self.spacing = spacing
self.map = map
public subscript(char: Character) -> DrawableSlice<Source>? {
if let symbol = map(char) {
return inner[symbol.x, symbol.y]
} else {
return nil
But, I am comparing Character
public struct TileFonts {
public static let pico =
source: UnsafeTGAPointer(PICOFONT_TGA),
charWidth: 3,
charHeight: 5
) { char in switch char {
case "0": (0, 0)
case "1": (1, 0)
case "2": (2, 0)
case "3": (3, 0)
case "4": (4, 0)
case "5": (5, 0)
case "6": (6, 0)
case "7": (7, 0)
case "8": (8, 0)
case "9": (9, 0)
... and so on
Character is just a String, so comparing that is comparing a string. What you most likely want here is to compare Unicode.Scalars or the raw byte instead. IIRC we have an ascii initializer on UInt8 if you decide to just care about the raw bytes:
I'm mapping characters to their position on a sprite sheet, so all I want to do is return the position for supported characters and nil otherwise. I'm not entirely sure if these are equivalent as I don't know much about unicode
Does this mean all my Character instances are actually just strings and get dynamically allocated..?
It really depends how the source of these "characters" is representing these things. If it's just a pointer to ASCII bytes, then the UInt8(ascii:) is a good choice to switch over per byte in this buffer, but if it's pointing to a valid UTF-8 buffer then you'd need to decode these scalars and compare against Unicode.Scalar instead. (or I suppose it could be pointing at a UTF-16 buffer, etc.)
String has an optimization to stuff 15 UTF-8 bytes inline so that it doesn't always need to do an allocation (at least on 64 bit systems). I don't remember the exact threshold for the 32 bit layout, but it has the same optimization nonetheless to a different degree. So if these strings/Character's were only a byte to begin with then there was never an allocation.
I found that I actually need string interpolation, and that won't work with [CChar]. What does _swift_stdlib_getNormData do? I found the signature so I could just implement it for now instead of changing all my code to avoid comparing characters
And now it needs memcpy... Again, is there a list of all functions required? It's tedious because they get reported one at a time
Is the bug that prevents implementing functions like memcpy as cdecl fixed yet?
But now withCString requires _swift_stdlib_getGraphemeBreakProperty
after doing this:
var uselessCopy = string
uselessCopy.withUTF8 { ptr in
ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: Int8.self) { ptr in
x: x, y: y, color: color, font: font
The code compiles, but the useless copy is not optimized away as it asked me for memmove now.
Why is withUTF8 marked mutating when it provides a const pointer same as withCString?
is there a way to unsafely access the bytes without a mutating method that potentially reallocates the string