Warnings in SwiftUI's own code with strict concurrency checking on

I've enabled Swift's strict concurrency checking (SWIFT_STRICT_CONCURRENCY = complete) on one of my projects and am now getting these warnings:

SwiftUI.PreviewProvider:4:34: warning: main actor-isolated static property '_previews' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement
    @MainActor public static var _previews: Any { get }
SwiftUI._PreviewProvider:3:16: note: '_previews' declared here
    static var _previews: Any { get }
SwiftUI.PreviewProvider:5:34: warning: main actor-isolated static property '_platform' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement
    @MainActor public static var _platform: PreviewPlatform? { get }
SwiftUI._PreviewProvider:4:16: note: '_platform' declared here
    static var _platform: PreviewPlatform? { get }

Is this an omission on SwiftUI's part, or can it be somehow fixed in my code? (I have a zero warnings policy in all my projects so would like to know what to do with this.)

P.S. I'm targeting iOS 16.


Can you share parts of your type and protocols. It's hard to tell just from the bare warnings.

I see these too, seems like an issue within SwiftUI itself. The use of _platform is either an explicit internal property or a property wrapper around an internal platform variable, as even Sendable wrappers don't properly convey that conformance to the generated properties.

Those are properties in SwiftUI's own PreviewProvider interface.

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Does @preconcurrency import potentially help there?

I just tried and nope, it doesn't.

I think this is a known bug, but this will work around the issue if the warnings bug you. The @preconcurrency trick doesn't work since this is autogenerated code (I think) that isn't imported.

struct StrictConcurrencyWorkaroundView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  nonisolated static var _previews: Any { previews }  
  nonisolated static var previews: some View {
    Text("Hello World!")

extension PreviewProvider {
  nonisolated static var _platform: PreviewPlatform? { nil }

You will have trouble if you need to use something like @State in the preview since property wrappers don't work with nonisolated, but generally you can avoid that in previews.

I tried some other methods, but the auto-generated code and magic Xcode behavior make it weird. I believe they are auto-generating type erasure for an internal detail. Hopefully Apple will at least put a workaround in Xcode to ignore warnings for these symbols if they don't plan to fix it soon.

Just remember to delete this workaround when Apple fixes it.