Vapor update concurrent

- flatMap(futureA, futureB) { a, b in 
+ futureA.and(futureB).flatMap { (a, b) in
    // Do something with a and b.

How to convert to async/await

I believe you'd express that as:

let a = try await futureA.get()
let b = try await futureB.get()

Is there any difference between them? Which one should I use?

async let a = try futureA.get()
async let b = try futureB.get()
let result = await [a, b]


let a = try await futureA.get()
let b = try await futureB.get()

I believe that the first two (async let) will execute the futures concurrently.

The one I provided mimics the original behaviour of the flat mapped futures and execute them serially (one after the other).

I can't really recommend which option you should choose without a bit more context of what you're attempting to do.

Which one is closer to the old code?

+ futureA.and(futureB).flatMap { (a, b) in
    // Do something with a and b.

The first example I posted:

let a = try await futureA.get()
let b = try await futureB.get()

OK, thanks

Just to clarify, since futures are 'hot' in NIO land

futureA.and(futureB).flatMap { (a, b) in
    // Do something with a and b.

is the equivalent to

async let a = try futureA.get()
async let b = try futureB.get()
let result = await [a, b]

As the futures are started as soon as you create them. The equivalent of

let a = try await futureA.get()
let b = try await futureB.get()

Would be

return someFunctionThatReturnsFutureA().flatMap { a in
  someFunctionThatReturnsFutureB().flatMap { b in
    // ...

TIL - I thought that the and(…) method ran the futures serially. Thanks for clearing that up, Tim!