Vapor build with Docker takes too long

Hi, I am using a MacBook Pro with an Apple chip to generate new builds with Vapor using Docker for deployment on Heroku. The build process currently exceeds 30 minutes, and I frequently encounter an error stating: 'error: compile command failed due to signal 9 (use -v to see invocation).'

Can anyone assist me in speeding up this build process and resolving the recurring error messages?

`# ================================
# Build image
# ================================
FROM swift:5.6-focal as build

# Install OS updates and, if needed, sqlite3
    && apt-get -q update \
    && apt-get -q dist-upgrade -y \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Set up a build area
WORKDIR /build

# First just resolve dependencies.
# This creates a cached layer that can be reused
# as long as your Package.swift/Package.resolved
# files do not change.
COPY ./Package.* ./
RUN swift package resolve

# Copy entire repo into container
COPY . .

# Build everything, with optimizations
RUN swift build -c release

# Switch to the staging area
WORKDIR /staging

# Copy main executable to staging area
RUN cp "$(swift build --package-path /build -c release --show-bin-path)/Run" ./

# Copy any resources from the public directory and views directory if the directories exist
# Ensure that by default, neither the directory nor any of its contents are writable.
RUN [ -d /build/Public ] && { mv /build/Public ./Public && chmod -R a-w ./Public; } || true
RUN [ -d /build/Resources ] && { mv /build/Resources ./Resources && chmod -R a-w ./Resources; } || true

# ================================
# Run image
# ================================
FROM swift:5.6-focal-slim

# Make sure all system packages are up to date.
    apt-get -q update && apt-get -q dist-upgrade -y && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Create a vapor user and group with /app as its home directory
RUN useradd --user-group --create-home --system --skel /dev/null --home-dir /app vapor

# Switch to the new home directory

# Copy built executable and any staged resources from builder
COPY --from=build --chown=vapor:vapor /staging /app

# Ensure all further commands run as the vapor user
USER vapor:vapor

# Start the Vapor service when the image is run, default to listening on 8080 in production environment
CMD ["serve", "--env", "production", "--hostname", ""]

It’s being killed after a long time due to OOM error, and the ultimate solution is to lift Docker’s memory limit.

Swift has improved building (more specifically, linking) memory cost on Linux significantly in Swift 5.9, from ~4GB down to several hundred MBs. So in your case, update the builder to Swift 5.9 should work for most regular Docker setup.


Indeed, also I don't think the 5.6-focal image is available for arm64 even, so you're probably emulating the CPU too.

I'd go for FROM 5.9-jammy or similar and everything should be better.


Hi, I updated the 5.6-focal to 5.9-jammy and still getting the same problem. Here is my Dockerfile:

# ================================
# Build image
# ================================
FROM swift:5.9-jammy as build

# Install OS updates
    && apt-get -q update \
    && apt-get -q dist-upgrade -y \
    && apt-get install -y libjemalloc-dev

# Set up a build area
WORKDIR /build

# First just resolve dependencies.
# This creates a cached layer that can be reused
# as long as your Package.swift/Package.resolved
# files do not change.
COPY ./Package.* ./
RUN swift package resolve --skip-update \
        $([ -f ./Package.resolved ] && echo "--force-resolved-versions" || true)

# Copy entire repo into container
COPY . .

# Build everything, with optimizations, with static linking, and using jemalloc
# N.B.: The static version of jemalloc is incompatible with the static Swift runtime.
RUN swift build -c release \
                --static-swift-stdlib \
                -Xlinker -ljemalloc

# Switch to the staging area
WORKDIR /staging

# Copy main executable to staging area
RUN cp "$(swift build --package-path /build -c release --show-bin-path)/App" ./

# Copy static swift backtracer binary to staging area
RUN cp "/usr/libexec/swift/linux/swift-backtrace-static" ./

# Copy resources bundled by SPM to staging area
RUN find -L "$(swift build --package-path /build -c release --show-bin-path)/" -regex '.*\.resources$' -exec cp -Ra {} ./ \;

# Copy any resources from the public directory and views directory if the directories exist
# Ensure that by default, neither the directory nor any of its contents are writable.
RUN [ -d /build/Public ] && { mv /build/Public ./Public && chmod -R a-w ./Public; } || true
RUN [ -d /build/Resources ] && { mv /build/Resources ./Resources && chmod -R a-w ./Resources; } || true

# ================================
# Run image
# ================================
FROM ubuntu:jammy

# Make sure all system packages are up to date, and install only essential packages.
    && apt-get -q update \
    && apt-get -q dist-upgrade -y \
    && apt-get -q install -y \
      libjemalloc2 \
      ca-certificates \
      tzdata \
# If your app or its dependencies import FoundationNetworking, also install `libcurl4`.
      # libcurl4 \
# If your app or its dependencies import FoundationXML, also install `libxml2`.
      # libxml2 \
    && rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Create a vapor user and group with /app as its home directory
RUN useradd --user-group --create-home --system --skel /dev/null --home-dir /app vapor

# Switch to the new home directory

# Copy built executable and any staged resources from builder
COPY --from=build --chown=vapor:vapor /staging /app

# Provide configuration needed by the built-in crash reporter and some sensible default behaviors.
ENV SWIFT_BACKTRACE=enable=yes,sanitize=yes,threads=all,images=all,interactive=no,swift-backtrace=./swift-backtrace-static

# Ensure all further commands run as the vapor user
USER vapor:vapor

# Let Docker bind to port 8080

# Start the Vapor service when the image is run, default to listening on 8080 in production environment
CMD ["serve", "--env", "production", "--hostname", "", "--port", "8080"]

I'm sending the build log too:

How are you actually building the container? I'm assuming you're trying to emulate x86 which is always going to be slow on ARM.

You're much better off building the container on the same architecture you're trying to deploy to

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I just install Ubuntu 18.04 on a notebook that I had and try to build the project with the docker... after 25 minutes I get the same error on the same place.

Can you please show the command your using to build the container?

And how much memory does the Docker engine have allocated to it?

Can you please show the command your using to build the container?

docker build -t 002 . --platform linux/amd64

And how much memory does the Docker engine have allocated to it?


Any thoughts?

(This is being carried over in the Vapor Discord if I'm not mistaken)