Vapor 5?

Judging by the previous version releases it is about time we see Vapor 5 but it has been pretty quiet. Are there any updates on the release calendar or everything is kept secret until we get the release celebration with all the fanfares, fireworks and champagne ?

Vapor started a blog back in February of this year, with the inaugural post being just on this topic: The next steps for Vapor | The Vapor Blog

As such the team stated

Note: the timeline for Vapor 5 is still very much unknown and at the time of writing is waiting on a future version of NIO and Swift 6.

The Vapor team has made some attempts since then to start to get the ball rolling by introducing new APIs in Vapor 4 that will eventually replace the existing API in Vapor 5.

A preview/summary of the effort can be found in this most recent blog post: Vapor's Next Steps with async/await | The Vapor Blog


Some more recent updates …

Now, with the release time of Swift 6 known, it's time to look forward.

The journey to Vapor 5 will follow a rough plan:

  1. Remove all the old future-based APIs (this is already done)
  2. Implement the 'new' service architecture, AKA dependency injection
  3. Fix all the tech debt with Sendable, migrate to value type Request and Responses etc
  4. Switch out the HTTP server to provide a full async stack
  5. Migrate to Swift Service Lifecycle
  6. Migrate to Swift Testing
  7. Rewrite the WebSocket and MultipartKit APIs
  8. Investigate new APIs for routing, validation and any other areas we want to touch
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