You should just need to log into the dev center, it's a free download. If the link itself doesn't work you can find it in the More section of downloads. Search for Swift 5.
However, if I install Swift 5 runtime on this pc, it would have to be done on every PC that uses the program. Is it possible to use something like Cocoapods to embed all the Swift 5 dependencies that I need?
This is a common pain point but I don’t know know if there’s an official dependency solution, but someone may have created something. This is an unfortunate limitation of Apple’s Swift 5 strategy.
it would have to be done on every [Mac] that uses the program.
Not every Mac. Macs running 10.14.4 and later have the Swift runtime built in, and thus this issue goes away.
Is it possible to use something like Cocoapods to embed all the Swift
5 dependencies that I need?
The easiest way to solve this problem is to raise your deployment target to 10.14.4. Right now your deployment target is 10.14, so raising it to 10.14.4 shouldn’t be a big deal.
Note While the Xcode popup for this only shows major OS releases, it’s possible to manually enter minor releases.
If you want to support older OS releases, things get more complex. There is simply no one-size-fit-all approach. You’ll have tailor your approach based on how you play to deploy your product. If you can provide details on your deployment strategy, I’m happy to make further suggestions.
I am working on an application that uses the following dependencies: Foundation, CoreLocation, and Contacts. The idea is for the application to be compatible with multiple Mac OS versions.
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
import Contacts
Taking into account what they are, it is possible to package them so that they are embedded in the code. Or considering what they are, how can I know which operating systems I can support?