I am new to swift (& apple dev) and i was trying to use Kuzu (C/C++ in-memory graph store) with Swift and after struggling to get the Kuzu lib into Xcode i hit some errors and don't know how to proceed.
Initially, without "SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE", i got the following build error:
Type 'kuzu.main' has no member 'Database'
After adding "SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE", i got the following build error instead
'kuzu.main.Database' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
But in the C++ code, there is an obvious Public Constructor - so why does the compiler say it has no accessible initializer ? Does this have anything to do with 'std::unique_ptr' attributes ?
Any clue on how to resolve this ?
BTW, i am using Swift 6.0 & XCode 16 (i believe RC1)
Part of the Kuzu C++ header is included below.
class Database {
friend class EmbeddedShell;
friend class ClientContext;
friend class Connection;
friend class StorageDriver;
friend class testing::BaseGraphTest;
friend class testing::PrivateGraphTest;
friend class transaction::TransactionContext;
friend struct extension::ExtensionUtils;
KUZU_API explicit Database(std::string_view databasePath,
SystemConfig systemConfig = SystemConfig());
KUZU_API ~Database();
std::string databasePath;
DBConfig dbConfig;
std::unique_ptr<common::VirtualFileSystem> vfs;
std::unique_ptr<storage::BufferManager> bufferManager;
std::unique_ptr<storage::MemoryManager> memoryManager;
std::unique_ptr<processor::QueryProcessor> queryProcessor;
std::unique_ptr<catalog::Catalog> catalog;
std::unique_ptr<storage::StorageManager> storageManager;
std::unique_ptr<transaction::TransactionManager> transactionManager;
std::unique_ptr<common::FileInfo> lockFile;
std::unique_ptr<extension::ExtensionOptions> extensionOptions;
std::unique_ptr<DatabaseManager> databaseManager;
common::case_insensitive_map_t<std::unique_ptr<storage::StorageExtension>> storageExtensions;
QueryIDGenerator queryIDGenerator;