Using Swift Package Dependencies on Custom Frameworks


I have an Xcode project modularized using custom frameworks. The custom frameworks have dependencies that are managed by Swift Package Manager ( 3rd party dependencies were managed by Carthage but I have started converting to use SPM ). Custom frameworks are just an Xcode.proj and all frameworks have stayed in the workspace and dependencies between each other are embedding *.framework in the embed libraries section ( All customer frameworks are embedded and sign on the App side. If frameworks use other frameworks are used do not embed option ) . Also, in older usage all third-party dependencies were linked to frameworks with the do not embed option and linked to the app with the embed and sign option ). I started to add dependencies with Swift Package Manager then When I ran the project failed to install on the device and gave error : *-packageproduct.framework *.framework same identifier site:
I checked the framework folder of IPA I saw that some of the frameworks are doubled. By the way, I am able to run on the sim but the simulator but it gives lots of warnings on the console it's saying that "Class * is implemented in both xcframework and dependency"

I research the issue but I do not find any solution. Could you help me on this issue ?