Using Swift in Obj-C in mixed Swift Package

Hi, I'm trying to modularise an existing project, and want to bring over some Obj-C classes verbatim from the main project (refactoring them and bringing them over to Swift is the end goal, but want to piece meal it so to avoid "big bang" like changes).

I've got a mixed Swift package working with the package setup below:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "AccountOverview",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "AccountOverview",
            targets: ["AccountOverview", "AccountOverviewObjC"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(path: "Purchases")
    targets: [
            name: "AccountOverview",
            dependencies: ["Purchases"]),
            name: "AccountOverviewObjC",
            dependencies: ["AccountOverview"],
            publicHeadersPath: "include"),
            name: "AccountOverviewTests",
            dependencies: ["AccountOverview"]

But when I go to use Swift in an Obj-C class in the AccountOverviewObjC target, I can't seem to find a way to import anything from the Swift target. Forward declaring doesn't appear to magically work, and neither does importing the target with:

@import AccountOverview.

The Swift classes I want to use can never be found. And they're annotated correctly - here is an example of a Swift class that can't be found:

import Foundation

class PurchasesInfo_ObjC_Shim: NSObject {
    let isPremiumUser: Bool
    let isPremiumUpgradeWithoutSubscription: Bool
    let willPremiumSubscriptionRenew: Bool
    let subscriptionExpiryDate: Date?

    init(isPremiumUser: Bool,
         isPremiumUpgradeWithoutSubscription: Bool,
         willPremiumSubscriptionRenew: Bool,
         subscriptionExpiryDate: Date?) {
        self.isPremiumUser = isPremiumUser
        self.isPremiumUpgradeWithoutSubscription = isPremiumUpgradeWithoutSubscription
        self.willPremiumSubscriptionRenew = willPremiumSubscriptionRenew
        self.subscriptionExpiryDate = subscriptionExpiryDate

I have tried searching for this, and I've found lots of topics about using Obj-C classes in Swift, but nothing about vice-versa. Thanks in advance!

Seems that add public/open/package to your PurchasesInfo_ObjC_Shim class is enough to fix your issue.

Your PurchasesInfo_ObjC_Shim is internal so other module can't access it.

See the following screenshot as a working example.

Also IMO this post should moved to Using Swift category instead of Development & Package Manager. (But can't it because only OP and admin can change it).