Unusual concurrency-related compiler error - what is `<τ_0_0> () -> @out τ_0_0 for <()>`?

The following piece of code triggers the unusual concurrency-related compiler error, shown below the code.

extension ProcPipeline {
    #if false
    protocol Proc: Sendable {
        var name: String {get}
        func run () async
    protocol Proc {
        var name: String {get}
        func run () async

ProcPipeline.swift:30:23: error: value of non-Sendable type '@isolated(any) @async @callee_guaranteed @substituted <τ_0_0> () -> @out τ_0_0 for <()>' accessed after being transferred; later accesses could race
 28 |             let procs: [any Proc] = [producer, scaler, scaler2, scaler3, adder]
 29 |             for proc in procs.reversed() {
 30 |                 group.addTask {
    |                       |- error: value of non-Sendable type '@isolated(any) @async @callee_guaranteed @substituted <τ_0_0> () -> @out τ_0_0 for <()>' accessed after being transferred; later accesses could race
    |                       `- note: access can happen concurrently
 31 |                     await proc.run()
 32 |                 }
make: *** [compile] Error 1
swiftc -parse-as-library -swift-version 6 -strict-concurrency=complete ProcPipeline.swift
//  ProcPipeline.swift

enum ProcPipeline {
    static func main () async throws {
        let lv: [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]
        for l in lv {
            if l > 0 {
                print ()
            // let r = 8 * (l * (l + 1)) / 2
            let r = 4 * (l * (l + 1))
            print ("sl = \(l) A1 = \(r)...")
            await run  (seqLen: l, multiplier: 2, expect: r)

extension ProcPipeline {
    static func run (seqLen: Int, multiplier m: Int, expect r: Int) async {
        await withTaskGroup (of: Void.self) {group in
            let producer = NumberPoducer (name: "P1", count: seqLen, output: Port <Int> ())
            let scaler   = NumberScaler  (name: "S1", multiplier: m, input: producer.output, output: Port <Int> ())
            let scaler2  = NumberScaler  (name: "S2", multiplier: m, input: scaler.output,   output: Port <Int> ())
            let scaler3  = NumberScaler  (name: "S3", multiplier: m, input: scaler2.output,  output: Port <Int> ())
            let adder    = NumberAdder   (name: "A1", expect: r,     input: scaler3.output)
            let procs: [any Proc] = [producer, scaler, scaler2, scaler3, adder]
            for proc in procs.reversed() {
                group.addTask {
                    await proc.run()

extension ProcPipeline {
    struct Port <T>: Sendable where T:Sendable {
        let stream : AsyncStream <T>
        let cont   : AsyncStream <T>.Continuation
        init () {
            let u = Self.makeAsyncStream ()
            self.stream = u.0
            self.cont   = u.1
        static func makeAsyncStream () -> (AsyncStream <T>, AsyncStream <T>.Continuation) {
            var cont: AsyncStream <T>.Continuation?
            let stream = AsyncStream (T.self) { continuation in
                cont = continuation
            return (stream, cont!)

extension ProcPipeline {
    #if false
    protocol Proc: Sendable {
        var name: String {get}
        func run () async
    protocol Proc {
        var name: String {get}
        func run () async
    protocol Producer: Proc {
        associatedtype OutputValue: Sendable
        var output: Port <OutputValue> {get}
    protocol Consumer: Proc {
        associatedtype InputValue: Sendable
        var input : Port <InputValue> {get}
    protocol Filter: Proc {
        associatedtype InputValue: Sendable
        associatedtype OutputValue: Sendable
        var input : Port <InputValue>  {get}
        var output: Port <OutputValue> {get}

extension ProcPipeline {
    struct NumberPoducer: Producer {
        typealias OutputValue = Int

        let name : String
        let count: Int
        let output: Port <OutputValue>
        func run() async {
            assert (count >= 1)
            let values = (1...count).map {$0}
            print ("-->", name, values)
            let cont = output.cont
            for i in values {
                cont.yield (i)

extension ProcPipeline {
    struct NumberScaler: Filter {
        typealias InputValue  = Int
        typealias OutputValue = Int

        let name  : String
        let multiplier: Int
        let input : Port <OutputValue>
        let output: Port <OutputValue>

        func run() async {
            let ins  = input.stream
            let cont = output.cont

            for await u in ins {
                let v = multiplier * u
                print ("-->", name, u, v)
                cont.yield (v)

extension ProcPipeline {
    struct NumberAdder: Consumer {
        typealias InputValue = Int

        let name : String
        let expect: Int
        let input: Port <InputValue>
        func run() async {
            var sum = 0
            let ins = input.stream
            for await u in ins {
                sum += u
            print ("-->", name, sum)
            assert (sum == expect)

Q: What is <τ_0_0> () -> @out τ_0_0 for <()>?

Thank you.

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(Correct me if I'm wrong) the tau notation τ_0_0 is used for generics, the first number is the nesting of a generic parameter, the second number is the index. Basically, this thing <τ_0_0> () -> @out τ_0_0 for <()> means "the first generic closure in some scope with no nesting, where τ_0_0 was inferred to be () aka Void".


Yeah, that’s correct. But developers shouldn’t have to know that. Looks like this diagnostic is surfacing implementation details unnecessarily, please file a bug!


I just took a look at your example and it doesn't reproduce on ToT. It looks like it was fixed in between the following tags:

Last Bad: swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-07-31-a
First Good: swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-08-01-a

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