Unexpected error propagation with rethrows

I am trying to bridge both the continuation methods provided for Error type and Never type with a rethrow protocol:

public protocol Continuable {
    associatedtype Success
    associatedtype Failure: Error

    func resume(returning value: Success)
    func resume(throwing error: Failure)
    func resume(with result: Result<Success, Failure>)
    static func with(_ body: (Self) -> Void) async throws -> Success

public extension Continuable {
    // provide default implementation to handle
    // for failure type different than never and error
    static func with(_ body: (Self) -> Void) async throws -> Success {
        throw CancellationError()

Then I am providing custom implementation with CheckedContinuation based on error type is Error or Never:

extension CheckedContinuation: Continuable {
    public static func with(_ body: (Self) -> Void) async throws -> T where E == Error {
        return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation(body)

    public static func with(_ body: (Self) -> Void) async -> T where E == Never {
        return await withCheckedContinuation(body)

Here, I am getting a warning:

Static method 'with' nearly matches defaulted requirement 'with' of protocol 'Continuable'

and it seems that conditional implementation on generic types might not work when default implementation is provided in protocol extension.

Then I am creating a wrapper around continuation like this:

protocol ContinuationWrapper: Continuable {
    associatedtype Continuation: Continuable
    where Continuation.Success == Success, Continuation.Failure == Failure
    init(with value: Continuation)

extension ContinuationWrapper {
    public static func with(function: String, _ body: (Self) -> Void) async rethrows -> Success {
        return try await Continuation.with { continuation in
            body(Self(with: continuation))

struct WrappedContinuation<C: Continuable>: ContinuationWrapper {
    let value: C

    init(with value: C) {
        self.value = value

    func resume(returning value: C.Success) {
        self.value.resume(returning: value)

    func resume(throwing error: C.Failure) {
        self.value.resume(throwing: error)

    func resume(with result: Result<C.Success, C.Failure>) {
        self.value.resume(with: result)

After all these changes whenever I am using continuation with CheckedContinuation.with method I am getting proper rethrow behavior in the sanse that I don't have to use try when error type is Never. But when I am using WrappedContinuation.with I always have to prefix the call with try:

func continuationTest() async throws {
    await CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>.with { continuation in
    try await CheckedContinuation<Void, Error>.with { continuation in
    // always requires try
    try await WrappedContinuation<CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>>.with { continuation in
        continuation.resume(returning: ())

Am I doing something wrong here? Is there any changes I can do to achieve what I want?