Unable to convert project for custom domain

Hello, everybody. I've been trying to build and deploy the repository for TSPL Spanish translation to GitHub pages with a custom domain (swiftbook.es), however I'm unsure of what I'm doing wrong because I can't get the site to be rendered.

I'm running xcrun docc convert --experimental-enable-custom-templates --hosting-base-path https://swiftbook.es/ --output-path "./docs" TSPL.docc to convert the project, resulting in the following:

  • Requests to https://swiftbook.es/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/ return 200 OK with a blank screen.
  • Other requests (.js, .css files) are hitting something like https://swiftbook.es/https://swiftbook.es/css/index.3a335429.css (duplicated domain part), resulting in 404 Not Found, of course.

Can anybody help me address the root cause for this?