Un-nesting a type from an enum namespace results in a 6x slowdown

over the weekend, swift-json’s CI caught a nearly 6x performance regression resulting from a recent API adjustment.

i was able to narrow down the offending change to a seemingly innocuous refactor: moving the definition of a type and its conformances from a nested type to the parent type (which was previously an empty namespace enum).


enum Rule<Location>
    // @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "JSON.Rule")
    // public 
    // typealias Root = JSON.Rule<Location> 
    enum Root:ParsingRule
        typealias Terminal = UInt8

        @inlinable public static 
        func parse<Diagnostics>(_ input:inout ParsingInput<Diagnostics>) throws -> JSON
            where   Diagnostics:ParsingDiagnostics,
                    Diagnostics.Source.Index == Location,
                    Diagnostics.Source.Element == Terminal
            if let items:[(key:String, value:JSON)] = input.parse(as: Object?.self)
                return .object(items)
                return .array(try input.parse(as: Array.self))

workflow run

 [15/16] Linking benchmark
Build complete! (45.71s)
swift-json: decoded 38295 messages
foundation: decoded 38295 messages
swift-json decoding time: 0.482016238 seconds
foundation decoding time: 4.450682692 seconds


enum Rule<Location>:ParsingRule
    // @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "JSON.Rule")
    // public 
    // typealias Root = JSON.Rule<Location> 
    // public 
    // enum Root:ParsingRule
    // {
        typealias Terminal = UInt8

        @inlinable public static 
        func parse<Diagnostics>(_ input:inout ParsingInput<Diagnostics>) throws -> JSON
            where   Diagnostics:ParsingDiagnostics,
                    Diagnostics.Source.Index == Location,
                    Diagnostics.Source.Element == Terminal
            if let items:[(key:String, value:JSON)] = input.parse(as: Object?.self)
                return .object(items)
                return .array(try input.parse(as: Array.self))
    // }

workflow run

 Build complete! (37.48s)
swift-json: decoded 38295 messages
foundation: decoded 38295 messages
swift-json decoding time: 2.875409557 seconds
foundation decoding time: 3.795551295 seconds

all of the types involved were public, and all of the implementations involved were @inlinable. what is going on here?

benchmark code


How is the code invoked? It seems relevant to me that we're not just hoisting the inner code up one level of scope, but we are also making the outer scope object conform to ParsingRule.

the benchmarking code looks like this:

func benchmarkSwiftJSON(_ json:[UInt8]) throws -> Int
    try Grammar.parse(json, as: JSON.Rule<Int>.Root.self, 
        in: [JSON].self).count

which calls into this swift-grammar function:

extension Grammar 
    @inlinable public static 
    func parse<Source, Rule, Vector>(_ source:Source, as _:Rule.Type, in _:Vector.Type) throws -> Vector
        where   Source:Collection, Rule:ParsingRule, 
                Rule.Location == Source.Index, Rule.Terminal == Source.Element, 
                Vector:RangeReplaceableCollection, Vector.Element == Rule.Construction
        var input:ParsingInput<NoDiagnostics<Source>> = .init(source)
        let construction:Vector = input.parse(as: Rule.self, in: Vector.self)
        try input.parse(as: End<Rule.Location, Rule.Terminal>.self)
        return construction

which calls into this swift-grammar API:

extension ParsingInput 
    @inlinable public mutating 
    func parse<Rule>(as _:Rule?.Type) -> Rule.Construction? 
        where   Rule:ParsingRule, Rule.Location == Diagnostics.Source.Index, Rule.Terminal == Diagnostics.Source.Element
        try? self.parse(as: Rule.self)

    @inlinable public mutating 
    func parse<Rule, Vector>(as _:Rule.Type, in _:Vector.Type) -> Vector
        where   Rule:ParsingRule, Rule.Location == Diagnostics.Source.Index, Rule.Terminal == Diagnostics.Source.Element, 
                Rule.Construction == Vector.Element, 
        var vector:Vector = .init()
        while let element:Rule.Construction = self.parse(as: Rule?.self)
        return vector

which finally calls this swift-grammar API,

extension ParsingInput 
    @inlinable public mutating 
    func group<Rule, Construction>(_:Rule.Type, _ body:(inout Self) throws -> Construction) 
        throws -> Construction
        let breadcrumb:Diagnostics.Breadcrumb = 
            self.diagnostics.push(index: self.index, for: Construction.self, by: Rule.self)
            let construction:Construction = try body(&self)
            return construction 
        catch var error 
            self.diagnostics.reset(index: &self.index, to: breadcrumb, because: &error)
            throw error

    @inlinable public mutating 
    func parse<Rule>(as _:Rule.Type) throws -> Rule.Construction 
        where   Rule:ParsingRule, Rule.Location == Diagnostics.Source.Index, Rule.Terminal == Diagnostics.Source.Element
        try self.group(Rule.self){ try Rule.parse(&$0) }

which ultimately calls JSON.Rule<Location>.parse(_:)/JSON.Rule<Location>.Root.parse(_:).

here is the definition of NoDiagnostics:

@frozen public 
struct NoDiagnostics<Source>:ParsingDiagnostics where Source:Collection
    @inlinable public 
    // force inlining because these functions ignore most of their inputs, and 
    // don’t contain many instructions (if any)
    @inlinable public 
    func push<Rule, Construction>(index:Source.Index, for _:Construction.Type, by _:Rule.Type) 
        -> Source.Index
    @inlinable public 
    func pop()
    @inlinable public 
    func reset(index:inout Source.Index, to breadcrumb:Source.Index, because _:inout Error) 
        index = breadcrumb 
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