I stumbled on ambiguous behaviour of compiler. Is not allowed explicitly indicate type in Generic typealias.
struct Сarriage<T> {
let g = [ T ]()
struct Coma<T> {
typealias R = Сarriage < T >
let m = R ()
let d = R < String >() \\ error: cannot specialize non-generic type 'Сarriage<T>'
var b = Сarriage < String >()
mutating func work() {
m .g.append(<#T##newElement: T##T#>) \\ what I can write here?
b . g . append ( "Z" )
Седых Александр
R is a non generic type, because the generic part is set to T, that’s why R() works.
Otherwise you could create typealias Q<NameThatIsNot_T> = Сarriage<NameThatIsNot_T> and use it like this Q<String>()
Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail
Am 4. April 2017 um 19:25:45, Седых Александр via swift-users (swift-users@swift.org) schrieb:
I stumbled on ambiguous behaviour of compiler. Is not allowed explicitly indicate type in Generic typealias.
struct Сarriage<T> {
let g = [T]()
struct Coma<T> {
typealias R = Сarriage<T>
let m = R()
let d = R<String>() \\ error: cannot specialize non-generic type 'Сarriage<T>'
var b = Сarriage<String>()
mutatingfunc work() {
m.g.append(<#T##newElement: T##T#>) \\ what I can write here?
Седых Александр _______________________________________________
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