Transactions with Postgres-Kit

I've searched and experimented, and can't find any way to use Postgres transitions with this library:

Are transactions for Postgres-Kit possible, does anyone know?

I see the higher-level Fluent library provides transactions, so I expected this lower-level library to provide a mechanism.

I can't see mention of transactions in the doco, in the API, in the source code's unit-tests. If I attempt to provide transactions in raw SQL queries, I receive this error:

"server: cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement (exec_parse_message)"

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I think I've found my own answer, looking into the Fluent Postgres Driver code, we can isolate a single connection then call BEGIN / COMMIT or ROLLBACK separately

req.postgres.withConnection { conn in


... insert or update

conn.simpleQuery("COMMIT") or conn.simpleQuery("ROLLBACK")


This was super helpful ... and, as hoped for and expected, it also works with MySQLKit. Just to add a bit of clarity (and hopefully help others), my code looks like this:

let mysql = pool.database(logger: self.logger)		
_ = try mysql.withConnection{ connection in
  _ = connection.simpleQuery("START TRANSACTION;")
  _ = connection.simpleQuery("SET @registry_name = 'Testy McTestList';")
  _ = connection.simpleQuery("SET @registry_author = 'richwolf';")
  ... etc. INSERTs, UPDATEs, whatevs ... and finally ...
  return connection.simpleQuery("COMMIT;")

Basically, you have to return "some" kind of EventFuture or the compiler isn't happy. I mean, I wish there was a simple convenience method a la query() or simpleQuery() (transaction(), say)…but I'm okay with this way of doing it.