Tip: Doing more than two partitions for a Sequence (or Collection)

While researching in our archives for something else, I saw a post about getting both sub-sequences of a filter, something I've occasionally wondered about. I decided to try it, and use a Dictionary return, and found out:

extension Sequence {

    /// Categorizes the elements with the mappings from the given hash function,
    /// keeping elements sharing a category in the same relative order in the
    /// given type of value collections.
    /// - Precondition: The sequence is finite.
    /// - Parameter partitionType: A meta-type specifier for the collection
    ///   bundling elements sharing a category.
    /// - Parameter hash: A hashing function, mapping an element to a category.
    /// - Returns: A dictionary where each key is a result of `hash` from at
    ///   least one element and the corresponding value is all of the elements
    ///   that matched that key, still in their relative order from this
    ///   sequence.
    /// - Complexity: ???
    public func hashIntoPartitions<T: RangeReplaceableCollection, K: Hashable>(ofType partitionType: T.Type, along hash: (Element) throws -> K) rethrows -> [K: T] where T.Element == Element {
        return try Dictionary(grouping: self, by: hash).mapValues { T($0) }


that we already added it! You don't need the method above if you don't care about customizing the Value to be something besides Array.