The state of Swift documentation

I'm not really convinced we need to coordinate with the closed source docs to make progress in this area. Most of what's been described should be possible using swift symbolgraph-extract, which is available in toolchains from 5.3 onwards and seems designed for this use case. Its output includes doc comments, type relationships, and guidance on how to format headings/subheadings/etc. of documentation pages without needing to make many individual SourceKit requests.

For example, this command can be used to generate a symbol graph for the macOS standard library, and includes all the information needed to generate documentation pages or an index:
swift symbolgraph-extract --module-name=Swift --pretty-print --output-dir /some/output/dir --target=x86_64-apple-macosx --sdk=/Applications/ I don't think there's anything stopping us from integrating this into the build process and installing symbol graphs for the standard library alongside the other documentation in /usr/share/doc/swift for use by toolchain or external tools.

Partial symbolgraph output (it's very long)
  "metadata": {
    "formatVersion": {
      "major": 0,
      "minor": 5,
      "patch": 0
    "generator": "Apple Swift version 5.3 (swiftlang-1200.0.16.9 clang-1200.0.22.5)"
  "module": {
    "name": "Swift",
    "platform": {
      "architecture": "x86_64",
      "vendor": "apple",
      "operatingSystem": {
        "name": "macosx",
        "minimumVersion": {
          "major": 10,
          "minor": 15,
          "patch": 0
  "symbols": [
      "kind": {
        "identifier": "swift.method",
        "displayName": "Instance Method"
      "identifier": {
        "precise": "s:STsE10compactMapySayqd__Gqd__Sg7ElementQzKXEKlF::SYNTHESIZED::s:s5Int16V5WordsV",
        "interfaceLanguage": "swift"
      "pathComponents": [
      "names": {
        "title": "compactMap(_:)",
        "navigator": [
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "func"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " "
            "kind": "identifier",
            "spelling": "compactMap"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "<ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ">(("
            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
            "spelling": "UInt",
            "preciseIdentifier": "s:Su"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ") "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "throws"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "?) "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "rethrows"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> [ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "]"
        "subHeading": [
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "func"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " "
            "kind": "identifier",
            "spelling": "compactMap"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "<ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ">(("
            "kind": "typeIdentifier",
            "spelling": "UInt",
            "preciseIdentifier": "s:Su"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": ") "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "throws"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "?) "
            "kind": "keyword",
            "spelling": "rethrows"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": " -> [ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "]"
      "docComment": {
        "lines": [
            "text": "Returns an array containing the non-`nil` results of calling the given"
            "text": "transformation with each element of this sequence."
            "text": ""
            "text": "Use this method to receive an array of non-optional values when your"
            "text": "transformation produces an optional value."
            "text": ""
            "text": "In this example, note the difference in the result of using `map` and"
            "text": "`compactMap` with a transformation that returns an optional `Int` value."
            "text": ""
            "text": "    let possibleNumbers = [\"1\", \"2\", \"three\", \"///4///\", \"5\"]"
            "text": ""
            "text": "    let mapped: [Int?] = { str in Int(str) }"
            "text": "    // [1, 2, nil, nil, 5]"
            "text": ""
            "text": "    let compactMapped: [Int] = possibleNumbers.compactMap { str in Int(str) }"
            "text": "    // [1, 2, 5]"
            "text": ""
            "text": "- Parameter transform: A closure that accepts an element of this"
            "text": "  sequence as its argument and returns an optional value."
            "text": "- Returns: An array of the non-`nil` results of calling `transform`"
            "text": "  with each element of the sequence."
            "text": ""
            "text": "- Complexity: O(*m* + *n*), where *n* is the length of this sequence"
            "text": "  and *m* is the length of the result."
      "functionSignature": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "transform",
            "declarationFragments": [
                "kind": "identifier",
                "spelling": "transform"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": ": ("
                "kind": "typeIdentifier",
                "spelling": "Self",
                "preciseIdentifier": "s:STsE4Selfxmfp"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": ".Element"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": ") "
                "kind": "keyword",
                "spelling": "throws"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
                "kind": "text",
                "spelling": "?"
        "returns": [
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "[ElementOfResult"
            "kind": "text",
            "spelling": "]"
      "swiftGenerics": {
        "parameters": [
            "name": "ElementOfResult",
            "index": 0,
            "depth": 1
      "swiftExtension": {
        "extendedModule": "Swift",
        "constraints": [
            "kind": "conformance",
            "lhs": "Self",
            "rhs": "Sequence"
      "declarationFragments": [
          "kind": "keyword",
          "spelling": "func"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " "
          "kind": "identifier",
          "spelling": "compactMap"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": "<ElementOfResult"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": ">("
          "kind": "externalParam",
          "spelling": "_"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " "
          "kind": "internalParam",
          "spelling": "transform"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": ": ("
          "kind": "typeIdentifier",
          "spelling": "UInt",
          "preciseIdentifier": "s:Su"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": ") "
          "kind": "keyword",
          "spelling": "throws"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " -> ElementOfResult"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": "?) "
          "kind": "keyword",
          "spelling": "rethrows"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": " -> [ElementOfResult"
          "kind": "text",
          "spelling": "]"
      "accessLevel": "public"