Testing with arguments and async closures

Not sure if this has already been reported but I'm having issue with the new swift testing framework where I pass in a parameter that is a closure block. For example

        "Testing with arguments",
        arguments: [SomeStruct.generateSomeData, SomeStruct. anotherGenerateSomeData]
    func testingWithArguments(_ closureBlock: (String) async throws -> SomeStruct) async throws {
        let someStruct = try await closureBlock("")
        // expect ...
struct SomeStruct {
    func generateSomeData(using string: String) async throws -> SomeStruct {

    func anotherGenerateSomeData(using string: String) async throws -> SomeStruct {

The issue is that the test runner gets stuck and doesn't continue with the test and just fail it. But if I only pass in one item instead of two in the array of closures, then it passes. Does this something to do with testing or it's just something that I cannot do at all with swift?

To make sure I understand, are you saying that this code does not build successfully, or it does build but encounters failure(s) at runtime? If the latter, I think we'll need to see more of the "real" code (I'm assuming some details have been omitted) to understand what exactly is failing.