i feel like this should really work:
protocol BSONEncoder
var type:BSON { get }
func move(_:consuming BSON.Output<[UInt8]>) -> Self
func move() -> BSON.Output<[UInt8]>
alas, i seem to be running into a compiler bug:
extension BSON.Output<[UInt8]>
subscript<Encoder>(as _:Encoder.Type) -> Encoder
where Encoder:BSONEncoder
let encoder:Encoder = .move(self)
yield encoder
var encoder:Encoder = .move(consume self)
defer { self = (consume encoder).move() }
yield &encoder
error: 'consume' applied to value that the compiler does not support.
This is a compiler bug. Please file a bug with a small example of
the bug
defer { self = (consume encoder).move() }
error: fatalError
any better ways to move a buffer back to its original location in a defer
statement, without unnecessarily refcounting?